The Fabulous Health Benefits of Eating Garlic

You won’t believe what garlic can do for you until you eat it regularly – apart from enhancing the flavour of your food of course.  You can increase these benefits by crushing it and then allowing it to stand for a few minutes after being chopped or crushed.  This allows the allinase enzymes the opportunity to work even harder at enhancing your health.  So here are some benefits you may derive from the magical bulb:

  • If you are anaemic, garlic helps to improve iron metabolism
  • It’s rich in powerful sulfur-containing compounds which are antioxidants
  • How’s this one: it helps you to regulate the number of fat cells that are formed in the body! Stops too many from forming
  • It’s a very reliable source of selenium
  • Garlic has very powerful cardio-protective properties
  • Lowers blood triglycerides and total cholesterol
  • Helps to lower blood sugar
  • Supports healthy blood pressure and can lower it if too high
  • An excellent source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese
  • Daily intake lowers the risk of most cancers
  • It is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal
  • Protects against clotting disorders
  • A natural antibiotic
  • Garlic is anti-inflammatory
  • Powerful immune stimulant

Could you ask for more from a humble vegetable?

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