

What are carbs exactly?

Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients. They are organic compounds like sugars, starches, and fibers, providing energy for the body through glucose. You’ll find carbohydrates in dairy, fruit, vegetables, grains, beans and seeds. The majority of simple carbohydrates eaten eventually turn into glucose molecules after digestion, which is their...

The facts about saturated fats

The current WHO guidelines on saturated fat are to keep them <10% of your daily calorie intake. The American Heart Association recommends even lower intakes of saturated fats, at <5-6% total calories. Historically, the health professional guidelines have always had straightforward messages: higher saturated fat levels equated to higher cholesterol...

Insulin Resistance

“I feel like my appetite is out of control”, “I can’t seem to lose weight”, “I’m gaining weight around my stomach and I have absolutely no energy”.  These are common complaints from clients struggling with high insulin levels or insulin resistance. Insulin resistance (IR). IR has become increasingly more common...
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Fibre and weight loss

Did you know that fibre is a carb? Yes, you heard that right–a carb! The wonderful thing is, unlike other carbs, your body doesn’t easily digest it. So it moves through your digestive system without sending your blood sugar on a rollercoaster ride. Fibre is found in plant foods like...

Lovely Leptin

Leptin. It’s the wonderful hormone that tells you that you’ve had enough to eat. We all want this hormone!  It’s highest in the evening and early morning hours so the body can repair itself without getting hungry. Aren’t our bodies wonderful?  Hormones are little messengers sent to different parts of...
Paleo vs Keto diets

Paleo vs Keto

If you really want to follow a proper Paleo, Keto, or low-carb lifestyle, you shouldn’t be buying ANYTHING that is not real food (meat, veg, fats etc) – in fact nothing you don’t make and/or cook yourself. You won’t buy “keto-friendly” rusks, “keto-friendly” drinks or processed products, because you’ll be...

Beating Food Addiction

Unfortunately, this is a very real condition, but one that you can conquer. Most of us eat a bit more than we should now and then, but I’m referring here to people who develop an addiction to food – addiction is not only about drugs and alcohol. Food addiction is...
Collagen speeds up healing process

Speed up your healing – dump gluten

Lack of essential and bioavailable proteins are a major contributing factor to persistent illness especially in those with gluten sensitivity. Protein is the main ingredient your body uses to build immune antibodies as well as heal inflamed structural tissues and muscles. Protein hence helps speed up your healing. These functions...

 Fitness training that suits your body!

Fitness is not a one size fits all topic and we all have our own preferences when it comes to staying fit. There are several different styles of training which one can use to achieve their personal fitness goals and most people choose to stick  to the one they most...

Symptoms and Causes of Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladder disease is serious and as I have said often the gallbladder is not a dispensable organ.This little sac is there to collect bile – it’s there for a reason, and should be cared for. But sometimes things go wrong, however, IF you CAN save your gallbladder please please do...