Weight Loss


Insulin Resistance

“I feel like my appetite is out of control”, “I can’t seem to lose weight”, “I’m gaining weight around my stomach and I have absolutely no energy”.  These are common complaints from clients struggling with high insulin levels or insulin resistance. Insulin resistance (IR). IR has become increasingly more common...
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Fibre and weight loss

Did you know that fibre is a carb? Yes, you heard that right–a carb! The wonderful thing is, unlike other carbs, your body doesn’t easily digest it. So it moves through your digestive system without sending your blood sugar on a rollercoaster ride. Fibre is found in plant foods like...

Emotional Eating

We don’t always eat just to satisfy physical hunger. Many of us also turn to food for comfort, stress relief, or to reward ourselves. When we do, we tend to reach for junk food, sweets, and other comforting, but unhealthy foods. You might reach for a tub of ice cream...

Can Vitamin D save your Life?

Yes, we believe vitamin D can save your life. Vitamin D is a true superstar which affects so much more than bones and teeth. The brain, immune system, hormones, cancer prevention and gene expression all rely to some extent on Vitamin D. In fact Vitamin D has been called “one...

Quick Tips for Menopause

1. MENOPAUSE SYMPTOMS RESPOND TO COLLAGEN Here is some first hand feedback from our customers… “Almost all my menopause symptoms are gone after a few months on the collagen! I only get hot flushes now when I drink alcohol, then it’s my own fault! Lol” JB Hi Sally, FYI…had been...

4 Vitamins and Minerals to boost your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function. HOWEVER …as you age and begin to lose muscle your metabolism slows down. Supplements for Metabolism:...

 Fitness training that suits your body!

Fitness is not a one size fits all topic and we all have our own preferences when it comes to staying fit. There are several different styles of training which one can use to achieve their personal fitness goals and most people choose to stick  to the one they most...

Berberine Complex

I think of all the products I’ve developed, this is one of the ones I am most proud of. Some studies say when you take Berberine, it is advisable to take a break every 8 weeks.  I don’t really agree with this but the rationale is that it may kill...

Better than botox

Collagen declines with age, and for this reason research into collagen has exploded in the past few years.  I decided a some years ago to womble around and look at what’s available in the collagen line, and sadly I was flabbergasted at the additives and all I saw in the...

Bile’s Role in Weight Loss

You’ve probably heard of bile, but did you know it’s a ‘secret’ to successful weight loss? Before we get into that though, bile’s a greenish-yellow liquid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder and is released to assist digestion when you eat. It’s made up of a number...


A WEIGHT LOSS SPICE OF NOTE: One of the most well-known spices to aid in weight loss is cinnamon. Here’s how it works: 1. Controls insulin levels (which means less fat is stored) 2. Speeds metabolism (you burn more stored body fat even when resting) 3. Specially known to help...
How Glutamine Helps Weight Loss

How Glutamine Helps Weight Loss

How Glutamine Helps Weight Loss and why it’s ALSO important for overall health As the most abundant amino acid in the body it is an energy substrate for most cells, but especially the intestinal epithelial cells and immune cells. Because it balances blood sugar, removes cravings and burns fat while...