

Cornonary artery calcification

I have been asked to repeat this post – hope it’s helpful. It’s been said that magnesium plays a part in over 600 metabolic processes in the human body and involves...

Did you know this about Selenium?

Selenium is important for thyroid function, immunity and powerful cancer preventative nutrient. It is a mineral, and due to poor farming methods has become very thin on the ground (no pun...
Are you eating enough protein?

Are you eating enough Protein?

Here are some tell-tale signs you may not be getting enough protein in your diet. If you suspect you are not eating enough you can increase your meat, fish, eggs and...
Leaky Gut

Are you suffering from leaky gut?

If you have these symptoms you may be suffering from leaky gut… Leaky Gut is the name given to damaged and permeable intestinal lining which allows undigested food particles, toxic waste...
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4 Vitamins and Minerals to boost your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body...

Why Zinc is Critical to collagen absorption

WHY ZINC IS CRITICAL TO COLLAGEN ABSORPTION? and what about VITAMIN C? The wonderful thing about taking PURE Hydrolysed Collagen, is that it is easily absorbed, instantly, from the stomach –...
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Interesting studies on Colds and Flu

Many studies have explored the relationship between taking Vitamin D3, Omega-3 fish oil and Vitamin C and the occurrence of colds and flu separately. What was found with regards to Colds...
Thyroid Health

5 ways Collagen boosts thyroid health

We have SO many messages and testimonies of people who have had amazing results with our Pure Hydrolysed Collagen regarding thyroid health and function.   Collagen, a crucial protein in the...

Healthy Habits to support your Wellness Journey

Congratulations – you have already taken the first step in the right direction and are ready to take on some healthy habits! Just a few things to consider which we hope...
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How do I take this? A Guide to our Products

People often ask us How do I take this? Our Sally-Ann Creed Products, directions for use and what can they be taken with are all below. We have put together a...
bone broth

Bone broth for immune support

Bone broth for immune support – So how does it really work? Bone broth is a superfood that can strengthen your immune system. It really goes to show grandmas chicken soup to...
Banana Peel

Five Surprising Uses for a Banana Peel

We have all heard of the benefits of eating a banana before a run or strenuous workout but how can you make your banana and the banana peel go the extra...