Interesting studies on Colds and Flu

Many studies have explored the relationship between taking Vitamin D3, Omega-3 fish oil and Vitamin C and the occurrence of colds and flu separately.

What was found with regards to Colds and Flu occurence is the following:

VITAMIN D3 ALONE. The percent of participants who experienced flu was 32% lower for those with a vitamin D level at or above 40 mg/ml compared to those with a level below 40 ng/ml. For colds it was 11% lower. Vitamin D3 appears to have a dramatic effect on the immune system.

OMEGA-3 ALONE. The percent of participants who experienced flu was shown to be 38% lower for those who took Omega-3 regularly and for colds it was also 11% lower.

VITAMIN C ALONE. The percent of participants who experienced flu was 32% lower for those who regularly took supplemental vitamin C. Compared to those who did not. For colds it was 9% lower.

IN THOSE TAKING VITAMIN D, OMEGA-3, AND VITAMIN C COMBINED. The percent of participants who experienced flu in the 6 month study period was 72% lower for those with a vitamin D level at or above 40 ng/ml who also took Omega-3 fish oil and supplemental vitamin C. Really impressive and for colds it was 21% lower.

You will find a very good Vitamin D3 Premium, Vitamin C and Omega-3 Fish oil at