Five Surprising Uses for a Banana Peel

We have all heard of the benefits of eating a banana before a run or strenuous workout but how can you make your banana and the banana peel go the extra mile?

Here are five surprising uses for banana peels to help you do just that

1. Acne & wrinkles – banana peel houses nutrients and antioxidants which work wonders on your skin. Gently rub the inner peel on your skin and leave on for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water and moisturize. Repeat 3 times a week and see if you note any changes to your skin complexion.

2. First Aid – rubbing a banana peel against sunburn, poison ivy rash or bug bites can sooth the skin and reduce itching.

3. Placing the peel on a splinter in the skin for 15 minutes can help draw it to the surface.

4. Shoe polish – rub the banana peel on your leather shoes and then buff them up with a soft cloth, we’re calling it Natures Shoe Polish!

5. Easy composting – by adding banana peel to your compost it will help introduce a multitude of nutrients. These will introduce nutrients including calcium, magnesium, sulphur, phosphates, potassium and sodium. Simply cut the it into small pieces then bury the banana skin bits under the plant you want to fertilize (ideally next to the roots). Water the plant right away to let the soil sit on top for a bit and let the banana skin work its magic.

So, the next time you finish that banana snack, save the peel and give one of these a try! We’d love to hear from you on how you utilize this powerhouse fruit!

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