Health Benefits of paprika
I’ve just brought in a pile of the most marvellous organic and conventional (but ALL non-irradiated) herbs and spices. Why? Because I don’t trust those I buy off the shelf! Simple. They could be, stale, ‘cut’ with cornflour or wheat starch, heaven knows what else, and what kind of conditions are they dried in? So […]
Are you vitamin D deficient – and what does that mean?
Vitamin D has been all over the news in the health community and even mainstream medicine over the past 6 months with Covid-19 front and centre. If you have good levels of vitamin D3, your chance of a healthy heart, immune system and ability to avoid or get through an infection quickly is vastly improved. […]
What do eyebrows and leg hair have to do with your thyroid?
If you have the outer third of your eyebrows missing you could have a thyroid problem. Both types of thyroid imbalance – overactive (hyperthyroid) and underactive (hypothyroid) – are linked to loss of eyebrow hair. Specifically in hypothyroidism (underactive). A person may notice hair loss in the outer third of the eyebrow which is the […]
Things you need to know about female hair loss
I’m repeating a post here as a result of a slew of questions on female hair loss – I hope you find it helpful. There are many reasons women lose hair – these are some of the most common reasons: Lack of animal protein in the diet. (vegans and vegetarians need to ensure their iron, […]
The Benefits of Taking Biotin-Bio
You might not have heard of biotin, but it’s an amazing B vitamin which can make an enormous difference if you are short of it. Have a look at some deficiency symptoms, causes of deficiency, foods which help – and of course, you can order the fabulous Biotin-Bio online. BIOTIN DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: hair loss (alopecia) […]
Natural Hair Loss Treatment for Men & Women
HairgenX is a completely natural range of DHT blocking hair loss products for men & women. This amazing range of safe, natural hair-growth products are scientifically researched to combat Androgenetic Alopecia. At different times of our lives, both men and women can experience hair loss. These products SAFELY inhibit the production of the destructive androgen DHT […]