Health Benefits of paprika

I’ve just brought in a pile of the most marvellous organic and conventional (but ALL non-irradiated) herbs and spices.  Why? Because I don’t trust those I buy off the shelf! Simple.  They could be, stale, ‘cut’ with cornflour or wheat starch, heaven knows what else, and what kind of conditions are they dried in?  So instead I get imported ones that I fully trust and know the history of.  Never underestimate the huge health benefits of herbs and spices – use lots in your cooking!

I thought I’d share some of the special benefits of this spice with you too. 

Anyway, I now have a fresh, full stash of the MOST fragrant, delicious herbs and spices and my kitchen smells like a chef’s dream.  One spice I want to tell you about today is my new Organic Smoked Paprika!  SO thrilled with this delicious new flavour, I use a lot of Paprika in cooking (well, to be honest, I use MASSES of herbs and spices in all my cooking), and thought I’d bring in this to try – I’m so glad I did. You can get my Paprika in conventional and Organic – plus now you can also get Organic Smoked Paprika – all at


  • Helps in Healing Wounds
  • Treats Skin Problems
  • Supports Healthy Digestion
  • Prevents Hair loss
  • Paprika Helps Maintain Hair Colour
  • Induces Sleep
  • Decreases the Risk of Heart attack
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Make it your aim daily to have as many healthful herbs and spices as you can. Food is transformed with the right herbs and spices.

Here’s a YUMMY recipe with smoked paprika potatoes:


– 1½ kg potatoes peeled and cut into halves or quarters

– 100ml olive oil

– 2 tsp smoked paprika

How to Make Them:

  1. Heat oven to 180C.
  2. Place the potatoes in a pan of cold salted water, bring to a boil, then simmer for 5 mins until partly tender. Drain and steam dry for a few mins in a colander.
  3. Return the potatoes to the saucepan, and add the oil, paprika and plenty of salt and pepper.
  4. Cover with a lid, then shake the pan around to roughen the edges of the potatoes and thoroughly coat them in the paprika and oil.
  5. Tip the potatoes into a large roasting tin, making sure they are evenly spaced apart.
  6. Scrape in all the fluffy potato mess – these make the best crispy bits!
  7. Roast the potatoes for 1 hr 15 mins, turning halfway, until extremely fluffy and crispy. 

I normally live low-carb 24/7 – but hey, we all have to live a little sometimes 



You can simply click on the name of each product mentioned above (in bold) and a hyperlink will take you directly to the product for an easy purchase.

Originally published on in 2020.

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