What is the best type of Face Mask for you?

Along with other protective measures, such as social or physical distancing and proper hand hygiene, face masks are an easy, inexpensive, and potentially effective way to stay safe and help flatten the spread of COVID-19. Wearing masks is recommended as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other […]

Recovery from COVID-19

A lovely ICU nurse recently tested positive for Covid-19 around 8 July, even though she was wearing PPEs (my heart goes out to these brave heroes who care for those of us in ICU). She has kindly agreed that I can share what she sent me in a private message this morning.  I do hope […]

Why zinc is crucial:

As you’ve probably discovered, zinc is out of stock everywhere, apparently all over the world. BUT I have a wonderful stash of Zinc (see here https://sallyanncreed.co.za/product/zinc-orotate/) thankfully. It’s one of the main things I do NOT want to be without at this time! Zinc prevents viral replication – viruses are dead, but when they get […]

Immune Support Essentials

When winter hits, everyone scrambles for the Corenza C, thinking they’re getting a helping hand. What they don’t realise is that its main ingredient is paracetamol! We prefer to take supplements that boost our natural immune systems, giving our body a long-term boost, as well as fighting off the nasty colds and flu that do […]

Covid-19 Strategy

 This awful thing just doesn’t seem to be going away even though we have been very fortunate for the most part in this country, it continues to affect our lives daily. We see masks everywhere, sanitizer, and various things we can and can’t do. It’s not normal. It’s s a nasty thing to get even […]

Quercetin in the Time of Covid-19

You’ve probably heard a lot about Quercetin with respect to Covid lately. Quercetin is an “ionophore” – something which is used to transport zinc intracellularly to assist immune system function. Quercetin is a wonderful pigment found in some plants, fruit and vegetables in small amounts, and has many health benefits. We can’t make quercetin in our bodies but many fruits, vegetables, and drinks contain this […]

Are you getting enough Zinc for your immune system?

We are still in a time of immune crisis with Covid still around, and not quite at the end of the winter cold weather yet. Plus it’s change of season – a time notorious for infection. Zinc is a powerful weapon in the struggle to maintain a immunity – not only now – but always. […]

Vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19

While the world experiences what is being termed a ‘second wave’ – and in some parts a third wave. We are hoping that doesn’t happen here in South Africa. Vitamin D3 sufficiency is one small way to improve your immune system. Sadly we seldom get enough from the sun to protect us so supplementing is […]

Compelling reasons to take vitamin D everyday

Compelling reasons to take vitamin D everyday Boosts Immunity Reduces Fatigue Fights Infections Offers Adrenal Support Reduces Inflammation Reduces/Eliminates Allergy Response Increases Energy … and more! November is Vitamin D Awareness Month, and Nov 2nd is World Vitamin D Day! The goal with these awareness campaigns is to educate people on the importance of vitamin […]


The corona virus or Covid-19 wreaking havoc in the world today belongs to a family of viruses called RNA viruses. All viruses exist in a twilight world between the living and the non-living in that they cannot live by themselves: They must infect a living host cell of a plant or animal within a short […]