Why zinc is crucial:

As you’ve probably discovered, zinc is out of stock everywhere, apparently all over the world. BUT I have a wonderful stash of Zinc (see here https://sallyanncreed.co.za/product/zinc-orotate/) thankfully. It’s one of the main things I do NOT want to be without at this time!

Zinc prevents viral replication – viruses are dead, but when they get into the cell, they replicate VERY quickly, and zinc is one of the most important ways to prevent viral replication and lower viral load. Scroll down for the deficiency symptoms.

The health benefits of Zinc include:

  • Proper functioning of immune system
  • Good digestion
  • Diabetes control
  • Very helpful for weight loss
  • Stress control
  • Energy metabolism
  • Acne, eczema and wound healing
  • Important for hair care (prevents premature greying)
  • Prevents hair loss
  • Necessary in pregnancy
  • Fabulous for weight loss
  • Helps night blindness
  • Prevents or shortens colds/flu
  • Essential for eye health

Zinc, being an important mineral plays a vital role for the protein synthesis and helps in regulation of the cells production in the immune system of the human body. Zinc is mostly found in the strong muscles of the body and especially in high concentrations in the white and red blood cells, eye retina, skin, liver, kidneys, bones and pancreas. The semen and prostate gland in men constitutes large zinc amount. In a human body, over 300 enzymes require zinc for normal functioning.

A normal human body consists of 2-3 grams of Zinc. There are organs of the human body, which secrete Zinc such as salivary gland, prostate gland and pancreas. Even the immune cells secrete Zinc!

Deficiency Symptoms:

  • Growth retardation
  • Low blood pressure
  • Badly formed bones
  • Loss of appetite (severe deficiency)
  • Loss of sense of smell and taste
  • Depression, rough skin
  • Weight loss (often in children and elderly)
  • Pale skin
  • Diarrhoea
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • White spots under finger nails.

You can get your Zinc here. 


You can simply click on the name of each product mentioned above (in bold) and a hyperlink will take you directly to the product for an easy purchase.

Originally published on https://www.facebook.com/SallyAnnCreedSA/ in 2020.



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