How do I take this? A Guide to our Products

People often ask us How do I take this? Our Sally-Ann Creed Products, directions for use and what can they be taken with are all below. We have put together a comprehensive list of “How do I take this”. The list has 35 Collagen, Vitamins, Minerals and Nutraceuticals, Pantry and Sugar Alternatives. We have 170 […]

How To Take Collagen & Gelatine

This post is long overdue … I know this because I get the same question asked of me every day. With the new interest in collagen and the dramatic testimonies coming from even just a very short time of using my Pure Hydrolysed Collagen or Gelatine, I’ll tell you how to take it. Collagen is […]

What’s The Difference Between My Collagen Products

WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SALLY-ANN CREED® VARIOUS COLLAGEN PRODUCTS? There are currently (watch this space!) 7 Collagen related products in our range. Here is a brief description of them. Pure Hydrolysed Collagen – this is type 1 & 3 collagen. This particular Collagen is bovine (beef) based is the purest collagen in the country … […]

Great Gelatine

What exactly IS gelatine anyway, and why the hype? It is a dried powder created from isolating and dehydrating parts of animals, including skin, bones and tissue. This might not sound too appetizing but it’s virtually colourless and tasteless – however it has amazing ‘powers’ of regeneration for the body.  Gelatine helps to form strong […]

Collagen & Gelatine – Missing in the Modern Diet

Hydrolysed Collagen and Gelatine are similar but not the same thing. In the hydrolysed form collagen has been produced from gelatine. The proteins have been broken up into smaller ‘pieces’ making collagen way easier to absorb. They both have the same amino acids but different ‘chemical’ properties and applications. Collagen is also more palatable in […]