Heart Health


Facts on Fats

There is so much confusion today about fat but what we do know is fat is not the enemy. Here are some GOOD fats you can use for different cooking methods:...
Side Effects

Pure Hydrolysed Collagen Side Effects

I am still amazed every day by what my utterly amazing brand of Pure Hydrolysed Collagen I am bringing in is doing for me and for thousands of people around the...

Bio-Sweet Prebiotic Sweetener

Product Information: This is a wonderfully unique, no-calorie, no-carb sweetener made from all natural ingredients. It has a wonderfully clean sweet taste with no artificial aftertaste whatsoever. If eaten by the...

All about Potassium

We usually think of potassium in terms of something we need to offset high blood pressure – which is true in one sense – but there is so much more to...

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency is Serious

According to Harvard research, this deficiency is one of the top 10 causes of death in USA. Omega-3 decreases risk of heart disease and stroke, depression, hypertension, ADHD, joint pain, arthritis,...

We Have to Talk about Alcohol

I know I know.  But I do get asked a lot about alcohol – all sorts of questions – you can imagine.  But before I even start, please know that this...

Iron Deficiency 101

Iron deficiency anaemia occurs when your body doesn’t have enough iron to produce haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is the part of red blood cells that gives blood its red colour and enables the...

How Cholesterol helps your Thyroid (& Heart)

This story starts with an unexpected main character so-called “bad” cholesterol. First we have to establish at the outset there is no such thing as ‘bad’ cholesterol. ALL cholesterol is good....

What Your Fingernails Can Tell You About Your Health

Healthy fingernails should be pink with a touch of pinkish-white (moons) near the base. If your nails are dull-looking colour, or streaked with other colours, you may have a hidden health...

Berberine – A Modern Panacea?

We know there is no such thing as a panacea, but Berberine comes pretty close if you are suffering from: Diabetes High blood sugar levels Insulin resistance NAFLD PCOS Hypertension Dyslipidemia...

Little-Known Nutrient which Increases Thyroid Hormone

If you have an underactive thyroid you will be interested in anything you can do to fix it, preferably without a drug.  Please read through the other blogs on ways to...

Great Gelatine

What exactly IS gelatine anyway, and why the hype? It is a dried powder created from isolating and dehydrating parts of animals, including skin, bones and tissue. This might not sound...