Blood Sugar Control


Are you an Undiagnosed Type II Diabetic?

Make no mistake about it – diabetes is a SERIOUS medical condition.  Many people think that this is something where they have “a little sugar” in their blood – it’s SO...

The Benefits of Prebiotics

You’ve heard of PRObiotics – the beneficial bacterial population in our bodies, but what about PREbiotics? Prebiotics are found in certain foods and are essential for increasing and feeding our healthy...

Berberine – A Modern Panacea?

We know there is no such thing as a panacea, but Berberine comes pretty close if you are suffering from: Diabetes High blood sugar levels Insulin resistance NAFLD PCOS Hypertension Dyslipidemia...

The Effect of Insulin On Growth Hormone And Muscle Repair

Because insulin is the “gatekeeper” for glucose (allowing it into the cells for energy or storage), when it gets used correctly, ATP (the body’s energy “currency”) is produced by the body....
Berberine - Blood Sugar

Breaking News: Natural Blood Sugar Solution

If you are diabetic, battling with blood sugar control, weight problems, polycystic ovarian syndrome, candida or a number of other conditions – Berberine (Natural Blood Sugar reducer) might just be the supplement...
health fibre

What’s the Deal with Fibre?

You are what you eat, we all know that. But more accurately, you are what (a) you assimilate and (b) what your gut flora eat, and if your gut flora are...
Amazing Glutamine

Amazing Glutamine

There are incredible health benefits to taking the Amazing Glutamine (or L-Glutamine) powder. As the most abundant amino acid in your bloodstream making up to 35% of the amino acid nitrogen...

Who knew Collagen could do all This?

Who knew Collagen could do all This? My brand of Pure Hydrolysed Collagen is the purest protein powder you’ll find, so I thought I’d tell you what the two most important...
Collagen & Gelatine

Collagen & Gelatine – Missing in the Modern Diet

Hydrolysed Collagen and Gelatine are similar but not the same thing. In the hydrolysed form collagen has been produced from gelatine. The proteins have been broken up into smaller ‘pieces’ making...
The Body’s Exquisite Dance of Synergy

The Body’s Exquisite Dance of Synergy

The Body’s Exquisite Dance of Synergy Part 1/3 Our human bodies are marvellously created. Everything works together in the most incredibly designed way. In the truest sense of the word, the...