The Benefits of Prebiotics

Youโ€™ve heard of PRObiotics โ€“ the beneficial bacterial population in our bodies, but what about PREbiotics?

Prebiotics are found in certain foods and are essential for increasing and feeding our healthy beneficial gut flora which go to make up our microbiome โ€“ that nine-tenths of who we are โ€“ but we simply do not get enough.  You have trillions of bugs living in and on you, without which you would not survive so looking after them is important.  A prebiotic fibre like MaxiFOS is the food of the microbiome as itโ€™s indigestible to us but tโ€™s their food not ours. We take a prebiotic fibre (tastes delicious by the way) and it is then food for the healthy bacteria, which keep us healthy.

In your lower gut (colon) you have a beneficial strain called Bifidobacteria, which ferments complex carbohydrates that cannot be digested in the upper gut, and which makes short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) including a very beneficial one called butyrate.

Good bacteria have a massive amount of important functions in our bodies including:

  • The production of lactic acid and acetic acid, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria
  • Stimulates healthy immune function
  • Aids the absorption of minerals
  • Increases production of important B vitamins such as folate, B12, B1 and B3

By taking a prebiotic fibre like MaxiFOS, you are getting a top quality food for your microbiome. It has been shown in multiple studies to improve overall gut health by stimulating beneficial bifidobacteria. Which is one of our main strains of flora. It also suppresses the growth of dangerous bacteria like Clostridium difficile.

Here are a few other things a really top quality prebiotic supplement can do for you:

  • Reduces constipation, as it draws water into the colon
  • Produces a softer stool in constipated children and adults by forming a gel-like substance
  • Increases beneficial bacteria
  • Reduces appetite and hunger, and helps to prevent weight gain by increasing an appetite-suppressing hormone (glucagon-like peptide-1) and altering neuronal activity in the brain preventing hunger
  • Has been shown to reduce fasting blood sugar levels in Type 2 Diabetics by 8,5%
  • Has been shown in studies to reduce HbA1c levels (by up to 10.4%)
  • May lower high cholesterol readings by up to 12,9%
  • Lowers triglyceride levels by up to 23.6% (this is a reading you want low)
  • May lower hypertension over a period of time
  • Studies show it may prevent colon cancer development and manage IBD
  • Increases mineral absorption, especially magnesium
  • Has been shown to improve bone health

Natural sources of prebiotics include the Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, onions, green bananas, fresh herbs, asparagus and dandelion root.  But as mentioned, itโ€™s hard to get enough of this precious indigestible fibre. Hence taking it with your probiotics is always a great idea.  Have a teaspoon to a tablespoon a day for good health.  Start on one teaspoon a day, directly into your mouth, in water, coffee or any food or drink.  Itโ€™s got a lovely sweet taste but is not sugar nor is it treated as such by the body โ€“ itโ€™s indigestible remember and is going to be eaten by your healthy flora.

Try my top quality A-grade MaxiFOS powder โ€“ just a spoon a day.  Not only is it delicious, itโ€™s very affordable, and as you can see โ€“ does so much for your body including gut, heart and metabolic health.  Find it in my online store here.



You can simply click on the name of each product mentioned above (in bold) and a hyperlink will take you directly to the product for an easy purchase.

Originally published on in 2020.

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