10 Weight Loss Tips for summer
Below I have attached my list of Weight loss tips to help anyone struggling as weight loss is not easy. Eat a high-protein breakfast. It is the best way to reduce cravings throughout the day (my ‘new’ favourite brekkie is sautéed chicken livers, scrambled egg, rocket and cherry tomatoes) Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. […]
How Vegetable Oils Make you Fat and Sick
The bottom line is that they contain very high levels of unstable, damaged inflammatory omega-6 fats, primarily found in soy, corn, cottonseed, sunflower, safflower, flaxseed, grape seed and canola oil (which also contains rancid omega-3 fats) and are a category of polyunsaturated oils found in seeds and grains. The seeds are mostly ok, concentrating the oils from […]
Hair Loss Prevention Strategy

Is your hair thinning or falling out? Not funny is it. Especially when you thought the LCHF lifestyle would be the answer to all your ills. There’s no magic bullet, we know that – but perhaps try these strategies to see whether it helps. It will take time, but remember hair does go into a […]