Health Benefits of paprika
I’ve just brought in a pile of the most marvellous organic and conventional (but ALL non-irradiated) herbs and spices. Why? Because I don’t trust those I buy off the shelf! Simple. They could be, stale, ‘cut’ with cornflour or wheat starch, heaven knows what else, and what kind of conditions are they dried in? So […]
Berberine Complex for so much more than weight loss

Berberine is one of the most exciting natural products in current medical research and has nothing short of amazing properties. Other than for weight loss, it’s a powerful: Anti-viral Anti-inflammatory Anti-bacterial Berberine is most commonly taken for Weight Loss Powerful anti-ageing properties on skin Anti-inflammatory for skin and entire body High Blood Pressure Diabetes […]
A very safe anti-inflammatory
For probably 27 years or more I have recommended and used this particular anti-inflammatory for joints in my patients. It has consistently been enormously successful. It takes away pain all while healing joints. Disclaimer You can simply click on the name of each product mentioned above (in bold) and a hyperlink will take you […]
AMAZING AVOCADO – A TRUE SUPER FOOD Who doesn’t love this phenomenal food? Just 100g gives the following in percentage of your daily requirement: • 14% potassium (more than bananas) • 17% vitamin C • 20% folate • 10% vitamin E • 26% vitamin K1 • Up to 14% of B vitamins • 27% fibre […]
The Truth about Eggs
I have to say the thing that really upsets me is to see people throw away a valuable, nutritional powerhouse in the egg yolk, and eat the useless egg white. It’s sacrilege! People are just so confused about eggs as a whole (no pun intended), so let’s have a look at the science behind eggs. […]