How to take Sally-Ann’s Creed’s Products


  1. Pure Hydrolysed Collagen
  2. Skinny Collagen Soup
  3. Super CollagenT2
  4. L-Glutamine
  5. MaxiMSM (powder and tablets)
  6. Skinny Fibre
  7. Magnesium Citrate Powder
  8. Chelated Magnesium Premium
  9. MaxiFOS
  10. Vitamin D3 Premium 5000iu
  11. Vitamin K2 Premium 100mcg
  12. Ester C caplets
  13. Scorbi-Cee and Super-Cee powder
  14. Milk Thistle Premium
  15. Clear Skin & Lips
  16. MaxiBiotic 20
  17. Biofort
  18. BioSweet
  19. Xylitol & Erythritol
  20. Keto Sweet Zero
  21. Omega-3 Fish Oil
  22. Colla-Joint Plus for Man’s Best Friend

This material bears the sole COPYRIGHT and INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARK of Sally-Ann Creed and may not be used without written permission from the author.

Pure Hydrolysed Collagen
Dosage and Directions: 1-2 scoops (14ml scoops are placed in the bag) in your coffee or in any hot or cold drink that does not have other protein mixed in (such as whey powder or yogurt). If you absolutely cannot take it unless you have yogurt or something else, you will still derive benefit from it. Do not mix it with the Super CollagenT2 (chicken) type 2. If you are taking both, then take them at least 2 hours away from each other. You can also read a blog post all about why I say that here . In this BLOG section of my website you can use the search button to find a lot of collagen articles I have written. Always increase water intake with collagen.
Can take with: L-Glutamine powder in water

Skinny Collagen Soup
Dosage and Directions: 1-2 spoons in hot water – can be a meal replacement or used as a base for soups, gravies, stews or as a broth alternative to lose weight. Very nourishing and collagen-rich, it is excellent when you can’t stomach solid food for whatever reason – this way you are nourished and filled.
Can take with: L-Glutamine powder

Super CollagenT2
Dosage and Directions: 1-2 scoops (15ml scoops are the size of a tablespoon) in your coffee or in any hot or cold drink that does not have other protein mixed in (such as whey powder or yogurt). If you absolutely cannot take it unless you have yogurt or something else, you will still derive benefit from it. Do not mix it with the other Pure Hydrolysed Collagen (bovine, type 1 & 3). If you are taking both, then take them at least 2 hours away from each other. If you want to know more about what this collagen does, you can read about it here
Can take with: L-Glutamine powder in water

This is a powerful gut healer, energy provider and all-round “feel-good” nutrient. Take ½ to one teaspoon a day in water away from food. You can take this with Collagen but not with Skinny Fibre

MaxiMSM – Tablets and Powder
Dosage and Directions: You can take from 1-6 or more tablets a day. With the powder, a teaspoon in water is an easy way to take it.  The directions are at the back of the bottle, however please see applications and incredible benefits here.
Can take with: Scorbi-Cee or Super Cee powder in water

Skinny Fibre – Powder
Dosage and Directions: ¼ to ½ teaspoon of Skinny Fibre onto your tongue, and immediately chase with a full glass of water. Do NOT stir it INTO water or it immediately congeals as it is supposed to. For more on Skinny Fibre and it’s benefits see my BLOG here.  Make sure you increase water intake when taking this fibre by 1-2 glasses a day.
Can take with: best on it’s own away from food and not near medication

Magnesium Citrate Powder
Dosage and Directions: Take a teaspoon in ½ – 1 glass water at any time of the day with or without meals. It is quite tart, so give it a good stir to dissolve it properly, it is sometimes very slightly lumpy.
Can take with: Scorbi-Cee or Super Cee powder in water, and you can add MSM powder. Can be taken with food, with other vitamins or on it’s own

Chelated Magnesium Premium
Dosage and Directions: These are magnesium glycinate capsules 100mg each – very successful as a magnesium supplement. Take 3-4 a day or more – depending on your needs.
Can take with: Can be taken with food, with other vitamins

Dosage and Directions: Take 1-6 teaspoons any time of the day with anything. Can be mixed into food or beverage, hot or cold or taken on the tongue and eaten as a treat!! For more on the benefits and applications please see here .  It helps the gut flora and can be an effective Candida treatment, gut ‘fixer’ and weight loss aid.
Can take with: absolutely anything you like. Quite delicious to sweeten things with but it is not sugar.

Vitamin D3 Premium 5000iu
Dosage and Directions: one a day for adults any time of day with meals. Please have a blood test around 6-9 months after taking this to make sure you are getting your levels up. The optimum level for Vitamin D in the body is around 75-100 (not 30 which is outdated). For more in D3 and the benefits, see my article here
Can take with: Anything – best with food and something with fat content

Vitamin K2 Premium 100mcg
Dosage and Directions: one a day with food. This is an amazing nutrient, you can’t overdose and everyone should be on it unless your doctor has a reason for you not taking it. Remember Vitamin K1 is the ‘clotting’ Vitamin, K2 is very different – it is responsible for the distribution of calcium. For more info, see here  and here
Can take with: Anything – best with food and something with fat content

Ester C Tablets
Dosage and Directions: 2 or more a day with food at any time of the day – we cannot make vitamin C in our bodies so it is an essential nutrient for us to survive. See more on the benefits of Vitamin C in my article here
Can take with: Anything – best with food

Scorbi-Cee and/or Super-Cee
Dosage and Directions: Take a teaspoon in water each day at any time of the day with food. See my article on it here  . The Scorbi-Cee is ascorbic acid while Super-Cee is buffered with a sodium molecule.
Can take with: Anything. You can mix either of these with MaxiMSM powder and/or Magnesium Citrate powder, and with MaxiFOS.

Milk Thistle Premium 500mg
Dosage and Directions: 1-3 a day with food. Read more in this blog about the fabulous benefits –
Can take with: Anything – best with food.

Clear Skin & Lips
Dosage and Directions: You can take one to three a day – excellent for skin, herpes zoster and acne.
Can take with: Anything – best with food

MaxiBiotic 20
Dosage and Directions: You can take one to three a day – excellent for building the microbiome.
Can take with: Best on an empty stomach last thing at night or first thing in the morning with water. Very good to take this with MaxiFOS as it is the ‘food’ for the healthy intestinal bacteria.

Dosage and Directions: You can take one to three a day – excellent for building the microbiome and an excellent all-rounder for the entire family and even the animals!
Can take with: Best on an empty stomach last thing at night or fist thing in the morning with water. Very good to take this with MaxiFOS as it is the ‘food’ for the healthy intestinal bacteria. Can take this as well as MaxiBiotic if you are really having problems with your gut.

Omega-3 Fish Oil
Dosage and Directions: We cannot make this in the body, so we all need it daily. Take with water and with food, any time of the day. 3 a day is a good dose.

Dosage and Directions: As much or little as you wish to sweeten beverages or foods. Very safe, natural and without any calories, BioSweet is a prebiotic with monk fruit added to make it utterly delicious, calorie and carb free and enable you to enjoy sweetened foods and beverages.
Can take with: Anything

Xylitol or Erythritol
Dosage and Directions: these are both sweeteners with very similar taste profiles to sugar. With Xylitol you can use 1 spoon to equal the sweetness of a spoon of sugar. With Erythritol however, you’ll need a little more than a teaspoon to equal the sweetness of the same amount of sugar. They are both very successfully used in tea, coffee, food and baking, they’re heat-stable and very versatile.

Keto Sweet Zero
Dosage and Directions: As with the above sweeteners this is heat stable, delicious and is the same sweetness as sugar. It has erythritol and the wonderful organic monk fruit with it – no calories, no carbs whatsoever, and very successful in tea, coffee, cooking and baking. It is the closest taste to sugar of all the natural keto sweeteners.

Suggestions on how to take all these together

1. Pure Hydrolysed Collagen: in morning coffee at least an hour or more before breakfast in your morning coffee, or just in water. You can also take it between meals or last thing at night.
2. Glutamine: ½ an hour before breakfast, lunch and/or dinner (which means 1-3 times a day) take in ¼ glass of water (or more). Eat your meal ½ hour or more later. This can be taken with collagen (you may not like it in coffee, although some people don’t mind)
3. MaxiMSM Tablets & Powder: I suggest either taking 3-6 tablets at breakfast or spread this out at meals – or a teaspoon of the powder in water any time of the day with or without meals. It can also be taken at the same time as Glutamine and/or collagen. A nice way to take it is to put 1-2 teaspoons in a litre of water in a bottle and sip it all day.
4. Magnesium Citrate Powder: you can add this to your bottle of water, or take it in some water any time of the day or night – with or without food. Can be taken with any or all of the following together: MaxiMSM powder, Pure Hydrolysed Collagen, MaxiFOS and Glutamine. They are all heat stable.
5. Skinny Fibre: take this late morning or mid-afternoon when you feel hungry. OR take it before meals or between meals. NOT to be taken WITH a meal, and take 2 hours AWAY from medication. It can also be taken at night – follow the directions on the bottle. Do NOT stir into anything – place it on your tongue and chase it with a full glass of water.

6. Super CollagenT2: This is often taken later in the day or at night. But it can be taken anytime, away from food as for Pure Hydrolysed Collagen – but NOT with it. Lovely in a broth or light soup. 10-2 scoops a day is fine.
7. Fish Oil Capsules: these are fine taken at any meal time. Keep in the fridge, they then go hard and are easy to swallow and won’t repeat (they shouldn’t anyway, but for sensitive tummies). This can be taken with other supplements.
8. MaxiFOS: this is fine to take with any beverage or meal. It can be taken with Pure Hydrolysed Collagen, glutamine, MaxiMSM or magnesium citrate.
9. Vitamin D3: take one in the morning or at night with a meal
10. Vitamin K2: take with a meal anytime of the day – can’t overdose
11. Ester C Tablets: take 2 or more a day with meals – you can’t overdose
12. Milk Thistle: take with a meal anytime of the day – 1-3 a day
13. Keto Sweet Zero: take in place of sugar one-for-one – tastes like sugar
14. Scorbi-Cee and/or Super Cee: One teaspoon in water once or twice a day of either one – start on one spoon. Take it with or without food – can be taken with any of the above except Skinny Fibre.
15. Clear Skin & Lips: can be taken with meals
16. Colla-Joint Plus for Man’s Best Friend: this was originally formulated for dogs, but has become very popular among their human owners too as ALL the ingredients are proper human grade ingredients. It simply won’t taste that good as it has gelatine & MaxiMSM with it. Sprinkle directly onto the dog’s food according to instructions below or use it yourself. Start on half a dose and work up or there might be slight diarrhoea as it heals the dog’s digestive tract (dogs get leaky gut too).
Dosage per meal (assuming 2 meals a day)
• Giant breeds – 1 scoop
• For large dogs 35-40kg – 1 scoop
• Medium dogs 23-35kg – ½ scoop
• Small dogs 12-23kg – 1 teaspoon
• For tiny dogs 5-12kg – ½ teaspoon
You’ll need around 6 weeks to see a difference, but some dogs within a week show a
remarkable – near miraclulous – difference. Ingredients: Collagen, gelatine, probiotic for
the health of the gut

All these products can be found – together with many others not listed here.

The information and material provided in this document is representative of Sally-Ann Creed’s opinions and views. It is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and is not meant to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease. The content should be taken as suggestions and should not be construed as medical advice. People are to use the information provided in this document at their own discretion. Sally-Ann Creed is in no way providing instruction, prescription or professional medical advice and cannot be responsible or liable for the decisions and actions which may be undertaken as a result of reading her content. Accordingly, the reader agrees that Sally-Ann Creed shall not be liable in any manner for any damage, loss or liability that results from their use of the content of this document or by any third party who obtains the content from the reader. Further, as a recipient of this material the recipient agrees to indemnify and hold Sally-Ann Creed harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities and damages that may arise out of his or her use of the content of this document. Should the reader need professional assistance, a qualified physician or health care practitioner should be consulted. By accepting this document the reader signifies his/her acceptance of the abovementioned terms

This material bears the sole COPYRIGHT and INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARK of Sally-Ann Creed and may not be used without written permission from the author.



You can simply click on the name of each product mentioned above (in bold) and a hyperlink will take you directly to the product for an easy purchase.

Originally published on in 2020.

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