Absolutely! Firstly, remember the inactive T4 hormone made by the thyroid needs to be converted by the liver. It is converted into the active form – T3. So if your liver is not in good nick, you may find your thyroid is somewhat sluggish. Improving liver & gut health is the first step to improving […]
What do eyebrows and leg hair have to do with your thyroid?
If you have the outer third of your eyebrows missing you could have a thyroid problem. Both types of thyroid imbalance – overactive (hyperthyroid) and underactive (hypothyroid) – are linked to loss of eyebrow hair. Specifically in hypothyroidism (underactive). A person may notice hair loss in the outer third of the eyebrow which is the […]
The thyroid gland
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that produces hormones, which play a key role in regulating your heartbeat, breathing, and many other functions. Spotting thyroid disease early is so important as caught early, treatment can prevent complications. When thyroid disease goes untreated for years, it can lead to a dangerously slow (or […]
Ways To Improve Liver & Thyroid Function
Here is how to Improve Liver & Thyroid Function … Eat a clean, whole-food diet – no junk Support your liver with Milk Thistle Premium – 1-3 a day. Maintain steady blood sugar levels Use selenium to help conversion of T4 to T3 Use RENEWED BALANCE Progesterone Cream to balance hormones (if you are not […]
To cut a long story short, glycogen is a precursor for a detoxification pathway (phase 2) which detoxifies steroid hormones such as estrogen. If this phase of detoxification does not function properly, you could end up with estrogen dominance. Hypothyroidism (a poorly functioning thyroid, resulting in an under-secretion of the hormone Thyroxin) can also cause […]
How to check your Thyroid

How to check your Thyroid: Anyone with a suspected thyroid issue should know how to check their thyroid properly. Most doctors only check TSH levels and assume your thyroid is fine as long as the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is below about 5 (way too high) these days. But there are much better tests than […]
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and your Thyroid
Have you had a test recently for insurance or as part of a medical aid programme and been told you have NAFLD? You probably got (or should have got) a ‘fasting metabolic panel’ where your blood sugar, electrolytes, kidney and liver function is assessed. Together with quite a few other readings – one of which […]
How Cholesterol helps your Thyroid (& Heart)
This story starts with an unexpected main character so-called “bad” cholesterol. First we have to establish at the outset there is no such thing as ‘bad’ cholesterol. ALL cholesterol is good. Cholesterol has NEVER been the cause of heart disease. Got that? And even more importantly, cholesterol is ABSOLUTELY VITAL to thyroid health! Cholesterol is […]
Little-Known Nutrient which Increases Thyroid Hormone

If you have an underactive thyroid you will be interested in anything you can do to fix it, preferably without a drug. Please read through the other blogs on ways to improve thyroid function to get a good overview – I’ve done quite a few thyroid posts. Here I want to tell you about another […]
Treat Hashimoto’s (underactive thyroid) with your Fork

What goes onto your fork and into your mouth can change your life, no matter what you are suffering from. While this can apply to every area of your life – weight loss, celiac disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and auto-immune disease of every kind – it is particularly relevant to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (HT). Have you discovered you […]
Hypothyroid? Collagen might be the answer
Too many people have thyroid problems, such as Hypothyroid, these days, for a number of reasons. However, here’s a natural treatment which just might help you – it’s worth a try. Collagen provides very important balanced amino acids. By eating only muscle meats you create an imbalance in the types of amino acids your body […]