Magnesium Citrate vs Magnesium Chelate Premium

You’re probably wondering why we have two different kinds of oral magnesium – the powdered Magnesium Citrate vs Magnesium Chelate Premium. Apart from the fact that some people like powders and others like capsules, there are some subtle differences. Firstly, these two forms of magnesium are both known as “chelates”. In nature, elemental magnesium is […]

The Case for fibre

There are 2 schools of thought about fibre, but let’s be clear – the human body is designed to use fibre. The more healthy fibre you get in your diet, the better your digestive system functions. BUT it must be HEALTHY fibre – not wheat or grain fibre, it should be mostly vegetable fibre. It […]

What is a good, healthy breakfast?

healthy breakfast

Many people ask me what we eat for breakfast – well that’s a loaded question – all sorts of things! But we’ll get to that later. A healthy breakfast is really important in helping you to avoid the mid-morning crash that most people feel after eating an unhealthy breakfast. It’s all about the secret of […]

Are you eating enough Protein?

Are you eating enough protein?

Here are some tell-tale signs you may not be getting enough protein in your diet. If you suspect you are not eating enough you can increase your meat, fish, eggs and poultry. Protein is essential to prevent muscle loss, and stay alive and well. Loss of muscle mass and decreased strength You are seldom full […]


COLLAGEN 101 Collagen is found throughout your body. It’s a structural element of bones, muscles, tendon, and ligaments in fact collagen and skin are always talked about together. This is because it’s a major component of your largest organ. Below I discuss Collagen 101.  You may not be aware that collagen is also found in: […]

Are You Eating Enough Protein?

Have a look at these tell-tale signs If you suspect you are not eating enough, then up your meat, fish, eggs and poultry. We need protein to prevent muscle loss, and quite frankly, to stay alive and well. A man needs a minimum of 56g a day and a woman 46g. You can, of course, […]

How To Take Collagen & Gelatine

This post is long overdue … I know this because I get the same question asked of me every day. With the new interest in collagen and the dramatic testimonies coming from even just a very short time of using my Pure Hydrolysed Collagen or Gelatine, I’ll tell you how to take it. Collagen is […]

Eggs 101

Don’t let anyone dissuade you from eating eggs. Glorious, large amounts, piles, loads of eggs (I love eggs as you might guess). They are one of the most nutritional foods on the planet and please – no egg-white omelettes! Taking out the yolk is sacrilege! You’re then interfering with a whole food. Eat those scrummy […]