Let’s Talk About Cholesterol

You’ve probably only ever been told that high cholesterol is dangerous. That it clogs arteries and that there is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol. Not true. The myth continues with ‘saturated fat causes blocked arteries and raises cholesterol’ and that a low-fat diet is a must for good health and that lowering cholesterol will lead to […]
The Truth about Eggs
I have to say the thing that really upsets me is to see people throw away a valuable, nutritional powerhouse in the egg yolk, and eat the useless egg white. It’s sacrilege! People are just so confused about eggs as a whole (no pun intended), so let’s have a look at the science behind eggs. […]
How Cholesterol helps your Thyroid (& Heart)
This story starts with an unexpected main character so-called “bad” cholesterol. First we have to establish at the outset there is no such thing as ‘bad’ cholesterol. ALL cholesterol is good. Cholesterol has NEVER been the cause of heart disease. Got that? And even more importantly, cholesterol is ABSOLUTELY VITAL to thyroid health! Cholesterol is […]