Familial/Genetic Hypercholesterolemia

You may have heard of people who have “inherited” or “genetic” hypercholesterolemia or very high cholesterol. When you truly have the genetic kind, you have a defect on chromosome 19 – unfortunately too many people are walking around saying that high cholesterol runs in the family and that they are all predisposed to hypercholesterolemia.  This […]

Alcohol, the Festive Season & Staying LCHF

‘Tis the time to be merry, to celebrate and to enjoy the company of those you love.  But if you are following a low-carb lifestyle, will alcohol be off limits?  Can you still have a little now and then?  That’s the burning question.  I’ll give you some information, and the rest is up to you […]

Golden Nutritional Yeast Flakes

A delicious addition to your meals – or taken as supplement – my brand of pure Golden Nutritional Yeast Flakes (GNYF) is extremely beneficial in terms of nutrition. Also called ‘nooch’, this is an inactive yeast which is highly beneficial to gut flora, and it’s pretty yummy too.  It is cultured on beet molasses and […]