WHY YOU DON’T WANT TO TAKE CALCIUM Calcium’s great for bones, but not for arteries! What you are told is that you need calcium for strong bones. Yes, you do – but not in supplemental form, and not without vitamin K2 being present. You have an enormous amount of calcium in the diet actually, but […]
The Saturated Fat Myth (and cholesterol)

Together with the sugar myth (that it’s not fattening), the calorie myth (that eating less calories causes weight loss), the cholesterol myth, the pH myth and dozens of others, comes the saturated fat myth. We’ve been lied to for 5 decades, and it’s time we realized that saturated fat is not bad for us, but […]
The potent health benefits of garlic
The benefits of garlic are potent, irrefutable and evident. Benefits of Garlic: It’s a natural ANTIBIOTIC – as it contains allicin which fights bacteria and infections. Fabulous for opening clogged sinuses too Reduces CHOLESTEROL – and significantly lowers both LDL and Triglycerides It’s a powerful ANTIOXIDANT – some say the world’s most powerful one. Helps […]
Benefits of probiotics
Benefits of probiotics: Assist the liver in the detoxification process Decrease the incidence and duration of diarrhoea Are anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, & anti-allergic properties Alleviates detox inflammatory conditions Promotes prevention of osteoporosis and builds bone density Help prevent colon cancer Alleviate food, chemical, & environmental sensitivities Improve digestion Improve cholesterol metabolism Increase absorption of nutrients in […]
Why you need COQ-10
Here are just a few health benefits of taking CoQ-10 (I’ll be telling you about more in time). If you have any of the following one CoQ-10 a day (150mg) could enormously help with the following: Migraine Headaches Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Memory Blood Pressure Congestive Heart Failure Metabolic disease Facial Wrinkles Tinnitus Other conditions […]
The Importance of High-Dose COQ-10
Here are just a few quick health benefits of taking CoQ-10. If you have any of the following, one CoQ-10 a day (150mg) could make all the difference: Migraine Headaches Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Memory Blood Pressure Congestive Heart Failure Metabolic disease Facial Wrinkles Tinnitus Other conditions which may be helped with coenzyme Q10 supplementation […]
Let’s Talk About Cholesterol

You’ve probably only ever been told that high cholesterol is dangerous. That it clogs arteries and that there is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol. Not true. The myth continues with ‘saturated fat causes blocked arteries and raises cholesterol’ and that a low-fat diet is a must for good health and that lowering cholesterol will lead to […]
Milk Thistle Premium is essential for the holidays!
Over the festive season, there is often the temptation to over-indulge – perhaps a little too much champagne and Christmas pudding or even just eating out more frequently, especially if you drink alcohol. We underestimate the massive effect this can have on the liver. Milk Thistle Premium offers powerful liver support during this time and […]
The Role of Homocysteine in Mental Health
When you get your cholesterol panel done, ask for homocysteine too – it is a factor in blood clotting. You may know that homocysteine is a toxin which, when elevated, increases your risk of heart attack and strokes. But it is also implicated in mental health problems too, such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disease, psychoses, […]
How Cholesterol helps your Thyroid (& Heart)
This story starts with an unexpected main character so-called “bad” cholesterol. First we have to establish at the outset there is no such thing as ‘bad’ cholesterol. ALL cholesterol is good. Cholesterol has NEVER been the cause of heart disease. Got that? And even more importantly, cholesterol is ABSOLUTELY VITAL to thyroid health! Cholesterol is […]
The Benefits of Prebiotics
You’ve heard of PRObiotics – the beneficial bacterial population in our bodies, but what about PREbiotics? Prebiotics are found in certain foods and are essential for increasing and feeding our healthy beneficial gut flora which go to make up our microbiome – that nine-tenths of who we are – but we simply do not get […]
Berberine – A Modern Panacea?

We know there is no such thing as a panacea, but Berberine comes pretty close if you are suffering from: Diabetes High blood sugar levels Insulin resistance NAFLD PCOS Hypertension Dyslipidemia (raised cholesterol etc) Weight gain Abdominal obesity Even cancer, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s it seems are responding in some preliminary studies. In the last decade […]