Beating Food Addiction

Unfortunately, this is a very real condition, but one that you can conquer. Most of us eat a bit more than we should now and then, but I’m referring here to people who develop an addiction to food – addiction is not only about drugs and alcohol. Food addiction is commonly called compulsive overeating or […]

12 Scientifically backed health benefits of vitamin C:

There really is NOTHING like Vitamin C, there really isn’t: Powerful Immune Stimulant Lowers Hypertension according to studies Fights Against Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Fights Type 2 Diabetes Used in Cancer Prevention especially cancers of the oesophagus, oral cavity, stomach, and pancreas. Lifts mood and improves libido Wards off […]

Benefits of Chelated Magnesium Premium

Magnesium is one of the most under-rated minerals in terms of its importance in human nutrition. It is an essential nutrient and is required for the maintenance of some of the most basic functions of life. Crucial organs, such as the heart, brain, and kidneys are dependent upon it. A lack of magnesium is associated […]

Magnificent Magnesium

Magnificent Magnesium: THE WONDERFUL BENEFITS OF CHELATED MAGNESIUM PREMIUM Do you take the Magnificent Magnesium? Almost everyone is dismally short of this amazing nutrient. Magnesium is used in hundreds of biochemical functions in the body including: Sugar and fat metabolism assisting weight loss Healthy sleep patterns Neurotransmitter synthesis Digestive enzyme synthesis Digestion of starches and […]

Calm by Sally-Ann Creed

CALM is a natural alternative to medication for coping with health issues. By reducing stress and improving sleep quality it may aid decision-making and improve mood, which influence behaviour. Stress affects people physically, mentally, emotionally and behaviourally. Left unmanaged, it can lead to disease or worsen pre-existing conditions. CALM offers  relief from stress-related symptoms, sleep […]

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency is Serious

According to Harvard research, this deficiency is one of the top 10 causes of death in USA. Omega-3 decreases risk of heart disease and stroke, depression, hypertension, ADHD, joint pain, arthritis, eczema, infertility, miscarriage, raised triglyceride levels (a heart disease marker) and dozens of other serious conditions. There are tens of thousands of papers published […]