HairgenX for HER 60 Caps

HairgenX is a range of natural hair loss products scientifically proven to combat alopecia in both men and women. The primary action is the effective blocking of the production of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. We have supplements for men and women, as well as a scalp massage oil, shampoo and conditioner.


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HairgenX is a range of natural hair loss products scientifically proven to combat alopecia in both men and women. The primary action is the effective blocking of the production of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. We have supplements for men and women, as well as a scalp massage oil, shampoo and conditioner.

Women who don’t have any significant hair loss issues show great results, and can see the benefit of thicker hair within few months. Taken together with my Pure Hydrolysed Collagen you may have significantly healthier and thicker hair than you would have had, especially if you experience thinning hair or hair loss.

Women can experience reactions to even the smallest chemical or hormonal changes. Hormones require balance, a small drop in female hormones can allow destructive androgens such as DHT to take hold. HairgenX Hair Growth Formula For Her not only inhibits this conversion, but also contains powerful ingredients to promote growth enzymes such as Keratin, essential to the process of root growth. As a result, healthier thicker more lustrous hair is achieved.

HairgenX was developed primarily to replace prescription Finasteride based drugs which block the formation of DHT in the body. Although effective, these drugs have significant side effects and cannot be taken by women.

The HairgenX supplements have no side effects.

Dosage: Take two to three capsules a day.

Ingredients: Fenugreek, He Shou Wu, Nettle Extract, PygeumSaw palmetto, Beta Sitosterol, Nicotinamide, Zinc Lactate and Biotin.

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