Chocolate Macadamia Nuts

Really – there is nothing better than the deliciousness that you will experience in these air-roasted, chocolate-covered macadamia nuts.

An earthy, natural and healthy dessert snack. When feeling like a sweet treat why compromise in health. There’s nothing quite like the combination of smooth, pure sugar-free chocolate and rich, buttery taste of macadamia nuts. Sally-Ann Creed’s Chocolate-Covered Macadamia Nuts are the perfect guilt-free indulgence for chocolate lovers everywhere.

What Makes Macadamia Nuts So Special?
Often referred to as the ‘queen of nuts’ and for good reason! Macadamia nuts are:

  • Rich in healthy fats: macadamias are high in monounsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy and help reduce “bad” cholesterol levels. Did you know that they contain 82% monounsaturated fats! According to a 2023 study by Jones et al, macadamia nuts are unique in the fact that they are one of the few foods that naturally contain palmitoleic acid which is a rare fatty acid that has been linked to reduced fat production in the liver and improved insulin sensitivity. The study went on to say that supplementation of macadamia nuts in overweight and obese participants resulted in lower total cholesterol and LDL levels.
  • Full of lovely nutrients: These nuts contain magnesium, manganese, and small amounts of protein and fibre, supporting overall well-being.
  • Low in carbs: Perfect for those following low-carb or keto-friendly lifestyles.

The Power of Dark Chocolate

  • Antioxidants: Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • Low Sugar Content: Made with a mindful balance of sweetness, ensuring it satisfies your cravings without overloading on sugar.
  • A Mood Boost: Chocolate contains compounds that promote the release of endorphins, making you feel happy and relaxed.

And why are our Macadamia Chocolate Nuts so special? At Sally-Ann Creed, we’re committed to quality and health. Our chocolate-covered macadamia nuts are made with premium ingredients. We use only the finest macadamia nuts and high-quality chocolate. They’re carefully crafted with care to ensure the perfect balance of nut and chocolate in every bite. The best part is that they’re low GI! With only 0-0.9g of sugar per serving (depending on what flavour you chose), 1g protein and 18g of heart-healthy fats, they’re a treat that won’t cause sugar spikes.

Our chocolate-covered macadamia nuts come in milk chocolate, white chocolate, mixed chocolate and dark chocolate.


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