Berberine Complex

I think of all the products I’ve developed, this is one of the ones I am most proud of. Some studies say when you take Berberine, it is advisable to take a break every 8 weeks.  I don’t really agree with this but the rationale is that it may kill off some beneficial flora if […]

Ways To Improve Liver & Thyroid Function

Here is how to Improve Liver & Thyroid Function … Eat a clean, whole-food diet – no junk Support your liver with Milk Thistle Premium – 1-3 a day. Maintain steady blood sugar levels Use selenium to help conversion of T4 to T3 Use RENEWED BALANCE Progesterone Cream to balance hormones (if you are not […]

Milk Thistle Premium is essential for the holidays!

Over the festive season, there is often the temptation to over-indulge – perhaps a little too much champagne and Christmas pudding or even just eating out more frequently, especially if you drink alcohol. We underestimate the massive effect this can have on the liver. Milk Thistle Premium offers powerful liver support during this time and […]

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and your Thyroid

Have you had a test recently for insurance or as part of a medical aid programme and been told you have NAFLD? You probably got (or should have got) a ‘fasting metabolic panel’ where your blood sugar, electrolytes, kidney and liver function is assessed. Together with quite a few other readings – one of which […]

Life without a Gallbladder

Life without a Gallbladder The gallbladder is a little sac which lies between the two lobes of your liver and stores bile made by the liver.  It’s not useless and should not be removed unless under dire circumstances.  Life without a Gallbladder is not the same. Just like your tonsils, adenoids, appendix and other so-called […]

How to Avoid a Hangover in Advance!

Of course the best way to avoid a hangover is either abstinence or avoid overdoing alcohol but if you are not going to ‘listen’ to this ‘wise advice’ then here are a few tips on how to avoid a hangover getting you “the day after the night before”. BEFORE you go out, drink a litre […]

Familial/Genetic Hypercholesterolemia

You may have heard of people who have “inherited” or “genetic” hypercholesterolemia or very high cholesterol. When you truly have the genetic kind, you have a defect on chromosome 19 – unfortunately too many people are walking around saying that high cholesterol runs in the family and that they are all predisposed to hypercholesterolemia.  This […]