Why you need COQ-10

Here are just a few health benefits of taking CoQ-10 (I’ll be telling you about more in time). If you have any of the following one CoQ-10 a day (150mg) could enormously help with the following: Migraine Headaches Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Memory Blood Pressure Congestive Heart Failure Metabolic disease Facial Wrinkles Tinnitus Other conditions […]

The Importance of High-Dose COQ-10

Here are just a few quick health benefits of taking CoQ-10. If you have any of the following, one CoQ-10 a day (150mg) could make all the difference: Migraine Headaches Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Memory Blood Pressure Congestive Heart Failure Metabolic disease Facial Wrinkles Tinnitus Other conditions which may be helped with coenzyme Q10 supplementation […]


So many people, women especially, suffer from Fibromyalgia. This is a debilitating, painful condition, characterised by widespread inflammation leading to muscle pain, fatigue, sleep difficulties and many other symptoms. The following symptoms are the most common, although there are others, so not all of these apply to everyone: Pain: Muscular pain, or in the abdomen, […]