Let’s Talk About Cholesterol

You’ve probably only ever been told that high cholesterol is dangerous. That it clogs arteries and that there is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol. Not true. The myth continues with ‘saturated fat causes blocked arteries and raises cholesterol’ and that a low-fat diet is a must for good health and that lowering cholesterol will lead to […]
Psoriasis in a nutshell
This is a relatively common skin condition where patches of skin become thick and red, and you almost develop ‘scales’. It doesn’t often itch, it just looks awful, and it can occur anywhere on the body. Many things can trigger it, including: • poor diet and nutritional deficiencies (the main cause) • gluten, dairy products, […]
It is a crippling, relentless condition which often leads to immobility, horrible drugs, and frequently due to falls and their complications in the elderly – death. Your bones start to lose density at the age of 25 when they have reached their peak, so keeping your bones strong throughout your life is very important. DO […]
Hormone Havoc during Menopause
I see SO many women struggling with this problem, I thought I’d address it. We all know proper nutrition and lifestyle is key, but there are certain hormones that diminish in menopause, and others that kind of get out of control. These are the ones you need to address – and if you get it […]