The Best time to take your supplements

Lots of people ask me the Best time to take your supplements – so I hope this helps:

  • Vitamin Bs or Vitamin C – anytime you like, with or without food
  • Fat soluble nutrients (A, D, E, K2) – best with food and fats
  • D3 & K2 – try not to take these with dairy as the calcium will block uptake
  • Greens are best with fats, as chlorophyll is fat soluble
  • Enzymes just before you eat
  • Herbs can be taken at any time
  • Electrolytes better on an empty stomach (your minerals)
  • Probiotics before bed on an empty stomach

Why nutritional supplements are beneficial:

  1. Food isn’t what it used to be – food comes from far away, irradiated, old, loses nutrients
  2. Digestion – it’s about more than digestion, it’s about what we eat, digest, absorb and assimilate so more nutrients may be needed
  3. Environmental toxins like sprays – reduces nutrient content
  4. Nutrients are lost by the way we prepare food or eating a lot of processed food
  5. Stress – if you are stressed you need more nutrition
  6. Disease prevention

So eat GOOD whole food, and take your supplements. You’ll find high quality ones at


You can simply click on the name of each product mentioned above (in bold) and a hyperlink will take you directly to the product for an easy purchase.

Originally published on in 2020.

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