Prebiotic Fibre

MaxiFOS is the ideal food for your microbiome. It is a PREbiotic, not a PRObiotic, although both are important. Prebiotic fibre resists digestion, instead heading to your colon where it creates those awesome energy-producing short chain fatty acids. This feeds the healthy gut flora. MaxiFOS has a wonderfully sweet taste, but there is no sugar (it’s like eating sugar without the danger, and you will find it in both my MaxiFOS and Bio-Sweet products on my site).

Foods which contain prebiotic fibre include garlic, onions, dandelion greens, apples and Jerusalem artichoke. Nuts and seeds are another great source – but too many at once will cause weight gain, so include them but don’t rely on them as your sole source of fibre. And the wonderful thing about prebiotic fibre is that every type from all the various foods feed different types of microbes.

Getting enough fibre can also help you:

  • Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Ward off some types of cancer
  • Improve blood cholesterol
  • Keep blood pressure in check

So if you want to look and feel your absolute best, eat your fibre!

Skinny Fibre is a fabulous form of fibre for weight LOSS. Remember, some forms of fibre contribute to weight GAIN and have a lot of calories! They also raise blood sugar. Good sources of fibre like Skinny Fibre will not raise blood sugar levels nor lead to weight gain.

Find all these products at



You can simply click on the name of each product mentioned above (in bold) and a hyperlink will take you directly to the product for an easy purchase.

Originally published on in 2020.

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