Collagen vs Whey Protein

Whey protein is a longtime staple of the world of fitness. Popularised by Arnold Schwarzeneger all those years ago, it’s been used by men and women to build muscle strength, especially with the advent of Crossfit. Collagen exploded in popularity relatively recently, appealing to people both in and out of the fitness space. Whey Protein and Collagen are indeed both proteins, but they don’t necessarily have to be pitted against each other and in reality, they complement each other in a nutrition regimen!

Collagen is typically made via bone hide from beef cows however there are vegetarian-friendly versions such as marine collagen. Bovine, Marine, Chicken collagen all contain varying amounts of the common types of collagen – Type 1,2,3. Collagen is primarily heavy in three amino acids – glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These amino acids have properties that aid in the health of connective tissue, skin, hair, and nails.

Collagen is a protein that occurs naturally in our bodies. As we age, this production starts to slow and needs supplementation. In addition to Collagen playing a role in the health of hair, skin, and nails, it also has a significant role in the connective tissues such as bones, ligaments, tendons, and the skeletal muscles. 

Whey Protein on the other hand is a protein derived from milk – a nutrient dense complete source. Initial processing produces Whey Protein Concentrate which is 70%-80% protein and contains some lactose. Whey protein isolates undergo an advanced purification process that filters out fat, lactose, sugar, and carbohydrates producing an incredibly healthy 90% protein source. We only stock Whey Protein Isolate so that you get only the best protein available.

Whey Protein is considered to be a complete protein, defined as containing all 9 Essential Amino Acids (EAAs). Other proteins which are aimed at being an alternative to Whey Protein — such as plant proteins — will often have to be supplemented to achieve the same all-in-one balance. Whey Protein’s high levels of BCAAs (valine, leucine, and isoleucine) provide functional components for muscle recovery & retention.

While Whey Protein’s status as a complete protein means it contains all 9 Essential Amino Acids, its notoriety exists with its exceptionally high levels of leucine. Leucine has a unique ability to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Whey Protein can be a powerful tool to achieve several fitness and wellness goals such as muscle gains, weight management, therapeutic recovery, sarcopenia management and more.

The amino acid profiles of Whey Protein and Collagen are different, and that’s why we suggest not replacing one with the other, but rather supplementing with both if you feel the need for any support for your muscles or joints. 

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