Collagen in Menopause

Menopause is a natural phase in a womanโ€™s life marked by hormonal changes and associated symptoms. As you approach this transformative period, itโ€™s essential to embrace the transition with knowledge and adopt strategies that support your well-being. In this guide, weโ€™ll explore the intricate relationship between menopause and collagen, offering valuable insights and practical tips for a graceful journey through this stage of life.

Understanding Menopause:

In menopause, the ovaries โ€˜pauseโ€™ their output of oestrogen but there are other pauses during this time to consider. There is simultaneously a pause in the androgenic hormones.

Sometimes referred to as โ€˜change of lifeโ€™, menopause signals the end of a womanโ€™s reproductive cycle and is diagnosed once a woman has not had a menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months โ€“ this change occurs because of the ovaries producing less of the hormone oestrogen, and results in several menopause-related symptoms.

Menopause involves a decline in oestrogen levels, impacting various hormonal processes. This transition occurs in three stages:

  • Perimenopause: The period leading up to menopause and the 12 months following the last menstrual cycle.
  • Menopause: Commencing 12 months after the last menstrual period, naturally or due to ovary removal.
  • Post menopause: The period following menopause.

As women transition through menopause, hormonal fluctuations can significantly impact various aspects of health, especially weight management. One of the key hormones to regulate during this time is insulin. Insulin, often associated with blood sugar control, also plays a role in fat storage. Itโ€™s crucial to maintain insulin balance because excessive carbohydrate intake can lead to insulin resistance, causing carb cravings, increased appetite, and potential fat storage, especially in the abdominal area.

Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, can wreak havoc during menopause. With significant hormonal shifts and the stressors commonly experienced during this time, cortisol levels may become imbalanced. Chronic elevation of cortisol can contribute to weight gain and other symptoms, including adrenal fatigue.

Thyroid hormones, responsible for controlling energy levels and metabolic rate, are pivotal for a healthy menopause. Any imbalance in these hormones can result in decreased ability to use stored fat for energy, leading to weight gain.

Leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells, signals to the brain when youโ€™ve had enough to eat. However, just like insulin resistance, leptin resistance can occur, causing increased hunger and overeating. Certain dietary factors, such as fructose and fizzy drinks, can contribute to both leptin and insulin resistance.

The โ€œthyropauseโ€ is a real phenomenon where the thyroid tends to slow down as individuals age. This hormonal shift, coupled with the hormonal changes during menopause, can reveal latent thyroid diseases.

Similar to the thyroid, thereโ€™s a concept known as โ€œhepatopauseโ€, where the liver struggles to regulate fuel properly. An unhealthy liver, often a result of excessive consumption of soft drinks, sugar, and carbs, can lead to fatty liver disease. This condition hinders the liverโ€™s ability to burn fuel correctly, contributing to weight gain.

Understanding these hormonal intricacies is essential for managing weight and overall health during menopause. Adopting a holistic approach that includes eating clean, nutritious food, stress management, and supplementing where necessary can contribute to a smoother transition.

Menopausal hormonal shifts, including decreased testosterone and DHEA, can influence weight distribution, particularly around the abdominal area. Managing insulin, cortisol, and other hormones becomes crucial for maintaining a healthy weight.

Nutritional Guidelines for Menopause:

Carbohydrate Awareness:
Carbohydrates can affect insulin sensitivity, leading to increased fat storage. Limit intake of bread, sugar, alcohol, and dairy to support weight management.

Wholesome Nutrition:
Opt for real, unprocessed foods to combat fatigue and maintain energy levels. The cleaner the better. Grass-fed butter, organic free-range eggs, and home-grown veggies are absolutely essential! Prioritise a diet rich in organic vegetables, grass-fed meat, and fats.

Thyroid and Hormonal Health:
Ensure adequate thyroid hormone levels for energy production and metabolic rate regulation.

Stress Management:
High stress levels contribute to cortisol imbalance. Prioritize self-care to manage stress and prevent weight gain.

Hormonal Shifts and Oestrogen:
As oestrogen declines, cortisol and insulin may elevate. Implement lifestyle changes to support hormonal balance.

Collagen and Menopause:
Customer testimonials suggest that pure hydrolysed collagen may alleviate menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes.

Menopause, a natural transition marking the end of a womanโ€™s reproductive phase, brings with it a myriad of physical and hormonal changes. Amidst this transformative journey, collagen emerges as a valuable ally, offering a range of benefits that can significantly enhance the well-being of women during menopause.

Menopause often brings about joint pain and stiffness, impacting mobility and overall comfort. Collagen, a key component of connective tissues, cartilage, and bones, plays a crucial role in maintaining joint health. Supplementing with collagen may alleviate discomfort, promoting flexibility and ease of movement during this phase.

Collagen is renowned for its role in maintaining skin elasticity and hydration. As estrogen levels decline during menopause, collagen production may decrease, leading to sagging skin and the formation of wrinkles. Collagen supplementation can support the skinโ€™s structural integrity, promoting a more youthful complexion and combating the visible signs of aging.

Hot flashes and night sweats are hallmark symptoms of menopause, disrupting sleep and daily activities. While research is still ongoing, some women report a reduction in the frequency and intensity of hot flashes with collagen supplementation. The exact mechanisms are not fully understood, but collagenโ€™s influence on hormonal balance and its impact on overall well-being may contribute to this positive effect.

Collagenโ€™s amino acid profile includes glycine, which plays a role in liver detoxification and hormonal regulation. Maintaining hormonal balance is crucial during menopause, and collagenโ€™s supportive role in liver function may indirectly contribute to this balance.

Changes in hormonal levels during menopause can affect hair and nail health. Collagen, rich in amino acids like proline and lysine, provides the building blocks necessary for healthy hair and nails. Users have reported improvements in hair thickness, strength, and nail quality with regular collagen supplementation.

Menopause can sometimes bring digestive challenges, such as bloating and changes in bowel habits. Collagen supports gut health by promoting the integrity of the gut lining and aiding in the repair of damaged tissues. This may contribute to digestive comfort and overall well-being during menopause.

Oestrogen decline during menopause has been linked to cognitive changes. While more research is needed, collagenโ€™s potential impact on brain health is an area of interest. Some studies suggest that collagen may have neuroprotective properties, possibly supporting cognitive function.

In addition to collagen, several other supplements prove beneficial during menopause, addressing various aspects of health. For digestive well-being, incorporating organic vegetables and probiotics helps maintain a healthy digestive system, supporting overall wellness. When considering supplements for menopause, the following options are noteworthy:

  • Magnesium Citrate aids in supporting blood sugar balance and reducing abdominal size, addressing common concerns during menopause.
  • Omega-3 fish oil is beneficial for weight management, improving body composition, and enhancing mood. Omega-3 Fish Oil emerges as a valuable supplement for women navigating the challenges of menopause.
  • Glutamine is known for its diverse benefits, Glutamine helps reduce cravings for sugar, alcohol, and tobacco. Additionally, it supports insulin sensitivity and aids in fat burning, contributing to overall metabolic health during menopause.
  • Berberine is recognised for its ability to normalise blood sugar levels, Berberine plays a crucial role in promoting overall metabolic health during the menopausal transition.

By incorporating these supplements into your daily routine, you can address specific aspects of menopausal health, promoting a holistic approach to well-being during this transformative phase. Embarking on the menopausal journey requires a holistic approach that encompasses nutrition, lifestyle, and targeted supplements. By understanding the intricate interplay of hormones and adopting these guidelines, you can navigate menopause with grace, supporting your well-being and embracing this natural phase of life.

Remember, these recommendations are general guidelines, and individual responses may vary. Itโ€™s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice tailored to your specific health needs.


  1. Teede, H., Deeks, A., Moran, L., & Moran, L. (2019). Polycystic ovary syndrome: a complex condition with psychological, reproductive and metabolic manifestations that impacts on health across the lifespan. BMC Medicine, 17(1), 41.
  2. Santoro, N., & Randolph, J. F. (2011). Reproductive hormones and the menopause transition. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics, 38(3), 455โ€“466.
  3. Mauvais-Jarvis, F. (2011). Estrogen and androgen receptors: regulators of fuel homeostasis and emerging targets for diabetes and obesity. Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM, 22(1), 24โ€“33.
  4. De Sousa, R. F., Gurgul-Convey, E., & Holsboer, F. (2015). Lessons from genetic rodent models of HPA axis regulation. Cellular and molecular neurobiology, 35(1), 71โ€“84.
  5. Duntas, L. H. (2015). Environmental factors and thyroid autoimmunity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1340(1), 25โ€“33.
  6. Kim, D., Kim, W. R., Kim, H. J., Therneau, T. M., & Association, A. P. (2019). Association between noninvasive fibrosis markers and mortality among adults with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the United States. Hepatology, 69(5), 1755โ€“1765.

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