sugar alternatives

Lets talk about Sugar Alternatives!

Time to get Alternative!

We are all becoming more conscious about our daily sugar intake and the amount of hidden sugars consumed. 14 November is World Diabetes Day, and a great opportunity to share about some insight into sugar alternatives.

We regularly get asked about the differences between our various “sugar alternatives” especially related to concerns surrounding weight loss, dental health or pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes.

Keto Sweet, Xylitol, Erythritol and are all regarded as “sugar alcohols” which are a form of reduced-calorie sweeteners and a category of sweet carbohydrates. Sugar alcohols are partially resistant to digestion and act like dietary fibre. Despite the word ‘alcohol’ being in the name it doesn’t actually contain ethanol. In fact many sugar alcohols are found naturally in fruits and vegetables. Sugar alcohols have a similar chemical structure to sugar and activate the receptors in your tongue to register a sweet taste.

Time to introduce you to our “Big Three” sugar alternatives!

1. Sally-Ann Creed® Keto Sweet is another South African first!
Meet the amazing “Monk Fruit”! This amazing fruit got its name from the Buddhist Monks who first used it. As the monk’s meditated and lived on the misty mountains of Guilin, they discovered a fruit they treasured and cultivated for its sweetness and healing properties. To back their ancient claims up, a 2011 study showed that the Monk Fruit’s mogrosides are anti-inflammatory, keep blood sugar levels stable and may help prevent cancer. Mogrosides are compounds which taste sweet but have no glycaemic index, carbs or calories … and no lingering aftertaste!

Sally-Ann Creed® Keto Sweet is an amazing product which tastes like sugar (Sally-Ann has said it tastes better than sugar!) and has a host of other benefits. It’s a 1 for 1 sugar replacement. Keto Sweet is useful for diabetics and those with Insulin Resistance. It doesn’t spike insulin and promotes weight loss. Keto Sweet is perfect to bake with and fantastic for any of the following diets: Keto, Diabetic, Candida, Paleo, LCHF, Vegan, Sugar-Free, Non-GMO, Weight loss.

Keto Sweet is heat stable, delicious and is the same sweetness as sugar. It is the closest taste to sugar of all the natural keto sweeteners

Directions for use:
Use as a 1 for 1 sugar replacement

2. Xylitol
Xylitol is a common ingredient in sugar-free chewing gums and many oral care products. It is as sweet as sugar but has 40% fewer calories. The health benefits of Xylitol have been widely spoken about and may also be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Xylitol is very successfully used in tea, coffee, food and baking. It is also heat stable and very versatile.

Directions for use:
Use as 1 for 1 sugar replacement.

3. Erythritol
Erythritol is produced by fermenting the glucose in corn starch and has 70% of the sweetness of sugar but 5% of the calories. Erythritol mostly gets absorbed in your blood stream and does not doesn’t reach your large intestine in significant amounts For this reason it is very popular and doesn’t have the same digestive side effects as most other sugar alcohols. One study suggested that Erythritol might be a preferred sugar substitute for people with diabetes. Researchers also found Erythritol may act as a strong antioxidant with a favourable effect on blood vessels.

Like Xylitol, Erythritol is very successfully used in tea, coffee, food and baking. It is also heat stable and very versatile.

Directions for use:
You will need a little more than a teaspoon to equal the sweetness of the same amount of sugar.

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