Can Vitamin D save your Life?

Yes, we believe vitamin D can save your life. Vitamin D is a true superstar which affects so much more than bones and teeth. The brain, immune system, hormones, cancer prevention and gene expression all rely to some extent on Vitamin D. In fact Vitamin D has been called “one of the simplest solutions to […]

Power duo for sports, weight loss and anti-ageing

  Two supplements are invaluable in this equation: Glutamine and Collagen! These two form the power duo for sports. Exercise causes a form of increased metabolic stress and quickly depletes glutamine in the body and if levels fall too low, it can have extremely damaging effects on the body. Pure glutamine is better than the […]

L-Glutamine for weight loss

Weight loss seems so easy for some people and so difficult for others – I hope this will be helpful if you are one of the ones who struggle. I brought in a very high grade glutamine which I adore – it has so many incredible benefits, but when you are overweight, your body needs […]

What can collagen do for you?

Lots! Here are a few of many benefits: IMPROVES HEART HEALTH – Collagen gives your blood vessels the elasticity and integrity they need to effectively transport blood from your heart to the rest of your body. If your arteries and veins start losing their suppleness and strength they can become stiff, narrow, and weak spelling […]

Miracle Skinny Fibre

Literally one of the fastest moving products I’ve ever seen is my Skinny Fibre, why? Because it does what it says it does. Evidence shows that it causes weight loss at a mere 1-4 grams a day! That’s ¼ to ½ a teaspoon 1-3 times daily. It is the only fibre known to actually work […]

How Glutamine Helps Weight Loss

How Glutamine Helps Weight Loss

How Glutamine Helps Weight Loss and why it’s ALSO important for overall health As the most abundant amino acid in the body it is an energy substrate for most cells, but especially the intestinal epithelial cells and immune cells. Because it balances blood sugar, removes cravings and burns fat while building muscle, it’s the ideal […]

Gallstones in Weight Loss

You may not know this, but you can develop gallstones while you are trying to lose weight. If you don’t keep your gallbladder functioning normally allowing it to expel bile and emulsify fats, you could develop gallstones in your weight loss journey. While nobody is absolutely sure about why these form, there are some factors […]

Symptoms and Causes of Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladder disease is serious and as I have said often the gallbladder is not a dispensable organ.This little sac is there to collect bile – it’s there for a reason, and should be cared for. But sometimes things go wrong, however, IF you CAN save your gallbladder please please do so. No good crying over […]

We Have No Unnecessary Body Parts

We Have No Unnecessary Body Parts. You probably know that there is a commonly held belief that there are ‘bits’ in our bodies we don’t need. Like our tonsils and adenoids, spleen, appendix, gallbladder, womb and ovaries after menopause. Nothing could be further from the truth. We Have No Unnecessary Body Parts. Every single bit […]

Bio-Sweet Prebiotic Sweetener

Product Information: This is a wonderfully unique, no-calorie, no-carb sweetener made from all natural ingredients. It has a wonderfully clean sweet taste with no artificial aftertaste whatsoever. If eaten by the spoon it melts quickly in your mouth and tastes a lot like candy floss if you are old enough to remember that far back. […]

Intermittent Fasting – Is it different for Men & Women?

Unless you are new to LCHF you’ve probably been hiding in a cave if you haven’t heard of intermittent fasting (IF).  IF is a term used for a set period of time during which you do not eat. It is a bit different to conventional fasting where you can go for days without eating usually […]