4 Vitamins and Minerals to boost your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function. HOWEVER …as you age and begin to lose muscle your metabolism slows down. Supplements for Metabolism: These Supplements for Metabolism can […]

How do I take this? A Guide to our Products

People often ask us How do I take this? Our Sally-Ann Creed Products, directions for use and what can they be taken with are all below. We have put together a comprehensive list of “How do I take this”. The list has 35 Collagen, Vitamins, Minerals and Nutraceuticals, Pantry and Sugar Alternatives. We have 170 […]

Did you know this about Vitamin K2?

Did you know this about Vitamin K2? Both on Vitamin A and Vitamin K2 have synergistic effects on MINERAL absorption (think calcium magnesium, zinc etc). Dr Weston Price in his day used a combination of cod liver oil (Vitamins A & D) and grass-fed butter (has Vitamin K2) to heal CAVITIES, reduce oral BACTERIA counts, […]

Milk Thistle Premium is essential for the holidays!

Over the festive season, there is often the temptation to over-indulge – perhaps a little too much champagne and Christmas pudding or even just eating out more frequently, especially if you drink alcohol. We underestimate the massive effect this can have on the liver. Milk Thistle Premium offers powerful liver support during this time and […]

How to take Sally-Ann’s Creed’s Products

Contents: Pure Hydrolysed Collagen Skinny Collagen Soup Super CollagenT2 L-Glutamine MaxiMSM (powder and tablets) Skinny Fibre Magnesium Citrate Powder Chelated Magnesium Premium MaxiFOS Vitamin D3 Premium 5000iu Vitamin K2 Premium 100mcg Ester C caplets Scorbi-Cee and Super-Cee powder Milk Thistle Premium Clear Skin & Lips MaxiBiotic 20 Biofort BioSweet Xylitol & Erythritol Keto Sweet Zero […]

Vitamins needed as you age

The best way to get the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients you need is to start with good, wholesome, whole, real food – the very best quality you can afford. Of course growing your own is first prize (organically) but if you can’t do the best you can. Older people sometimes struggle to stick to […]

Wonderful Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that maintains skin integrity, helps heal wounds and is important in immune functions.

Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

Vitamin D has long been recognized as vital to bone health because the body needs the vitamin to absorb calcium. But research has suggested that it may be good for a lot more than just bones. Ample intake of vitamin D may help fend off a wide range of conditions, including colon cancer, diabetes, and […]

Are you deficient in B Vitamins?

Sadly most of us are, especially if our gut flora are compromised, and this affects every single area of health from digestive problems to anxiety, depression and energy.  Today medications, stress, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and a host of other things deplete the body.  So what’s so important about them anyway? Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Here’s one […]