Why should you take supplements?

Many people take nutritional supplements, mostly to manage deficiencies. You don’t have to take things at a specific time but the most important thing is that you take them consistently. However, there are some it’s best to take at specific times of the day. Some should be with meals, while others should be away from […]

Benefits of Vitamin K2 Premium

While you might not be deficient in K2, not getting enough or being deficient can be a serious situation, to the point of developing heart disease or having a stroke. It may not manifest with any symptoms either which can be difficult. However, the benefits of K2 are quite amazing – here are a few: […]

The Body’s Exquisite Dance of Synergy

The Body’s Exquisite Dance of Synergy

The Body’s Exquisite Dance of Synergy Part 1/3 Our human bodies are marvellously created. Everything works together in the most incredibly designed way. In the truest sense of the word, the body is an awesome creation.  For the purpose of this series. We’ll concentrate on bones and heart which are of prime importance in remaining […]