Why Zinc is Critical to collagen absorption

…and what about VITAMIN C? The wonderful thing about taking PURE Hydrolysed Collagen, is that it is easily absorbed, instantly, from the stomach – however there’s a caveat – you need to have the right environment to do so. Collagen-repairing enzymes in the human body are all ZINC-BASED. If you don’t have enough zinc, your […]

Just the word is enough to make you cringe if you have it or have had it. It can strike anywhere from your knees to elbows, ankles or fingers – but the most common place is the big toe or ankles. It’s excruciating, so I’m told. But there is hope! There are things you can […]
Interesting studies on Colds and Flu

Many studies have explored the relationship between taking Vitamin D3, Omega-3 fish oil and Vitamin C and the occurrence of colds and flu separately. What was found with regards to Colds and Flu occurence is the following: VITAMIN D3 ALONE. The percent of participants who experienced flu was 32% lower for those with a vitamin […]

DEM BONES If you think calcium is all you need for your bones, you’d be dead wrong. Without Vitamins D3 and K2, vitamin C and Pure Hydrolysed Collagen. You will not build healthy bone after about 25 years of age. Collagen makes up 90% of organic bone mass in fact not calcium! These three components […]
Antibiotics do more than kill bacteria – They stop nutrient absorption too

Antibiotics kill the bacteria that are causing illness by bursting bacteria cell walls, and destroying the proteins and DNA that keep the bacteria alive. Unfortunately, they also kill the good bacteria in your gut that you need for healthy digestion, and interfere with your body’s ability to absorb some critical nutrients. While there are hundreds […]
12 Scientifically backed health benefits of vitamin C:
There really is NOTHING like Vitamin C, there really isn’t: Powerful Immune Stimulant Lowers Hypertension according to studies Fights Against Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Fights Type 2 Diabetes Used in Cancer Prevention especially cancers of the oesophagus, oral cavity, stomach, and pancreas. Lifts mood and improves libido Wards off […]
Weight loss friendly foods & supplements
14 Most Weight-Loss Friendly Foods Eggs (no they won’t raise cholesterol!) Leafy greens Salmon Cruciferous vegetables Lean beef Chicken Tuna Soups Avocado Apple Cider Vinegar Chia seeds Coconut oil Coffee Berries Best Weight Loss Supplements Skinny Fibre MaxiBiotic 20 Berberine Complex Zinc believe it or not Vitamin C MethylSulphonyMethane (MaxiMSM) You’ll find all these at […]
How to strengthen your immune system
Get back to basics: eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep Take Vitamin C – I recommend Ester C, Scorbi-Cee and Super-Cee Take Vitamin D3 Premium – one a day Take immune-supporting nutrients like a good B Complex and Zinc Exercise a little each day – even just a walk improves immunity Find ways […]
Why zinc is critical to collagen absorption
The wonderful thing about taking PURE Hydrolysed Collagen, is that it is easily absorbed, instantly, from the stomach – however there’s a caveat – you need to have the right environment to do so. Collagen-repairing enzymes in the human body are all ZINC-BASED. If you don’t have enough zinc, your body can’t break it down […]
Bile’s Role in Weight Loss
You’ve probably heard of bile, but did you know it’s a ‘secret’ to successful weight loss? Before we get into that though, bile’s a greenish-yellow liquid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder and is released to assist digestion when you eat. It’s made up of a number of different components including water, […]
Cold, Flu, Viruses and Sinusitus
Winter isn’t the only time we fall prey to respiratory infections – in fact the festive season is a time where many people get ill due to lowered immunity from all the sugary non-nutritious food. Vitamin C is one of the MOST powerful things you can do to keep yourself healthy. BENEFITS OF […]
Super Cee vs Scorbi-Cee
Many of you have asked me what the difference is between the various Vitamin C’s. So here’s a simple explanation: Scorbi-Cee is ascorbic acid or plain vitamin C. This is a very inexpensive and effective powder. You can add to water or drinks to get your quota of vitamin C in per day. Anything from […]