Have you been taken in by these ‘superfoods’?

You have been lied to about two so-called ‘superfoods’ – coconut sugar and agave (in any form). COCONUT SUGAR is just sugar. It is secreted from the sap of the cut flowers of coconut palm boiled and then dehydrated. It should be called coconut PALM sugar not coconut sugar . As it does not come […]

Allergies in Children

Apart from toothache, weight gain, ADHD and difficulty concentrating, children generally don’t do well on sugar. Yes, they love it, and that’s the problem. Children continue to have a sweet tooth all their lives and the spectre of diabetes is there too later on (sometimes in younger children) so teaching your children not to eat […]

Consuming Sugar Unwittingly

Are you eating loads of sugar without knowing it? If you are not buying everything fresh and cooking from scratch, it’s likely. Look at a few ways you might be sugar-coating yourself unawares. First off, over 80% of goods you buy – probably closer to 90% – have added sugar (or worse – artificial sweeteners) […]

Alcohol, Sugar and Your Liver

Alcohol, Sugar and Your Liver: It’s that time of year again, when the world celebrates Christmas, New Year, Thanksgiving and other holidays.  I don’t want to be a wet blanket during the celebrations here but I’ve been asked to write about drinking during the festive season. I hope you find this helpful.  Just skip it […]