What are Functional Foods?

Have you ever wondered what people mean when discussing functional foods and nutraceuticals? Functional foods are food items or ingredients that exhibit additional health benefits to the body beyond simply supplying it with energy or fuel for functioning. Nutraceuticals are also functional foods as they are derived from food items but used in a medicinal […]

The Benefits of Taking Biotin-Bio

You might not have heard of biotin, but it’s an amazing B vitamin which can make an enormous difference if you are short of it. Have a look at some deficiency symptoms, causes of deficiency, foods which help – and of course, you can order the fabulous Biotin-Bio online. BIOTIN DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: hair loss (alopecia) […]

Milk Thistle Premium is essential for the holidays!

Over the festive season, there is often the temptation to over-indulge – perhaps a little too much champagne and Christmas pudding or even just eating out more frequently, especially if you drink alcohol. We underestimate the massive effect this can have on the liver. Milk Thistle Premium offers powerful liver support during this time and […]

How to take Sally-Ann’s Creed’s Products

Contents: Pure Hydrolysed Collagen Skinny Collagen Soup Super CollagenT2 L-Glutamine MaxiMSM (powder and tablets) Skinny Fibre Magnesium Citrate Powder Chelated Magnesium Premium MaxiFOS Vitamin D3 Premium 5000iu Vitamin K2 Premium 100mcg Ester C caplets Scorbi-Cee and Super-Cee powder Milk Thistle Premium Clear Skin & Lips MaxiBiotic 20 Biofort BioSweet Xylitol & Erythritol Keto Sweet Zero […]