Milk Thistle Premium is essential for the holidays!
Over the festive season, there is often the temptation to over-indulge – perhaps a little too much champagne and Christmas pudding or even just eating out more frequently, especially if you drink alcohol. We underestimate the massive effect this can have on the liver. Milk Thistle Premium offers powerful liver support during this time and […]
How Vegetable Oils Make you Fat and Sick
The bottom line is that they contain very high levels of unstable, damaged inflammatory omega-6 fats, primarily found in soy, corn, cottonseed, sunflower, safflower, flaxseed, grape seed and canola oil (which also contains rancid omega-3 fats) and are a category of polyunsaturated oils found in seeds and grains. The seeds are mostly ok, concentrating the oils from […]
Are you getting enough Vitamin D?
Vitamin D has long been recognized as vital to bone health because the body needs the vitamin to absorb calcium. But research has suggested that it may be good for a lot more than just bones. Ample intake of vitamin D may help fend off a wide range of conditions, including colon cancer, diabetes, and […]
Are you deficient in B Vitamins?
Sadly most of us are, especially if our gut flora are compromised, and this affects every single area of health from digestive problems to anxiety, depression and energy. Today medications, stress, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and a host of other things deplete the body. So what’s so important about them anyway? Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Here’s one […]
Can Sleep Help you Lose Weight?

Say what? Many of us would sleep for a month if this were true, so let’s look at how this works. Sleep in fact is even more important than exercise when it comes to weight loss, although we know (a) exercise is very good for us, but (b) we also know it does not cause […]
Coffee Withdrawal

Just the word probably brings on warm, fuzzy feelings of pleasure. Love it or hate it, coffee is here to stay. For some it will interfere with your sleep quality and for others it will give you that glorious boost to get more done in the morning. But what about if you want to stop […]
Some Special Low Carb Veggies

Everyone wants a quick list of really low carb veggies – well here it is! Use this list and you won’t even have to think! These are one cup raw weight, including their skins: Asparagus: 5g carbs, 3g fibre Aubergine: 5g carbs, 3g fibre Broccoli: 6g carbs, 2g fibre Cauliflower: 5g carbs, 3g fibre Celery: […]