Healthy Habits to support your Wellness Journey

Congratulations – you have already taken the first step in the right direction and are ready to take on some healthy habits! Just a few things to consider which we hope you will find helpful: Weight itself is not necessarily the marker of success. Exploring your dietary habits and maximising your nutrition will have a positive outcome on […]

What can collagen do for you?

Lots! Here are a few of many benefits: IMPROVES HEART HEALTH – Collagen gives your blood vessels the elasticity and integrity they need to effectively transport blood from your heart to the rest of your body. If your arteries and veins start losing their suppleness and strength they can become stiff, narrow, and weak spelling […]

The Importance of High-Dose COQ-10

Here are just a few quick health benefits of taking CoQ-10. If you have any of the following, one CoQ-10 a day (150mg) could make all the difference: Migraine Headaches Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Memory Blood Pressure Congestive Heart Failure Metabolic disease Facial Wrinkles Tinnitus Other conditions which may be helped with coenzyme Q10 supplementation […]

The Benefits of Taking Biotin-Bio

You might not have heard of biotin, but it’s an amazing B vitamin which can make an enormous difference if you are short of it. Have a look at some deficiency symptoms, causes of deficiency, foods which help – and of course, you can order the fabulous Biotin-Bio online. BIOTIN DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: hair loss (alopecia) […]

Ways To Improve Liver & Thyroid Function

Here is how to Improve Liver & Thyroid Function … Eat a clean, whole-food diet – no junk Support your liver with Milk Thistle Premium – 1-3 a day. Maintain steady blood sugar levels Use selenium to help conversion of T4 to T3 Use RENEWED BALANCE Progesterone Cream to balance hormones (if you are not […]


To cut a long story short, glycogen is a precursor for a detoxification pathway (phase 2) which detoxifies steroid hormones such as estrogen. If this phase of detoxification does not function properly, you could end up with estrogen dominance. Hypothyroidism (a poorly functioning thyroid, resulting in an under-secretion of the hormone Thyroxin) can also cause […]

Low Blood Sugar

When the liver is unable to compensate adequately for low blood sugar, the adrenal glands spring to the rescue by producing cortisol, your stress hormone. Whenever the body is stressed and cortisol is elevated, your body is ‘told’ there is a problem (ie. Illness or injury) and needs to slow down in order for it […]

Gallstones Symptoms

People often ask me about gallstones. I wrote a very comprehensive blog post on it here…/ telling you the symptoms, causes and treatment. But here’s another short post on it if you are someone who is interested in this. I do urge you to read the above blog post too. Have you been feeling […]

Benefits of Vitamin K2 Premium

While you might not be deficient in K2, not getting enough or being deficient can be a serious situation, to the point of developing heart disease or having a stroke. It may not manifest with any symptoms either which can be difficult. However, the benefits of K2 are quite amazing – here are a few: […]

Bile’s Role in Weight Loss

You’ve probably heard of bile, but did you know it’s a ‘secret’ to successful weight loss? Before we get into that though, bile’s a greenish-yellow liquid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder and is released to assist digestion when you eat. It’s made up of a number of different components including water, […]

Let’s Talk About Cholesterol

You’ve probably only ever been told that high cholesterol is dangerous. That it clogs arteries and that there is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol. Not true. The myth continues with ‘saturated fat causes blocked arteries and raises cholesterol’ and that a low-fat diet is a must for good health and that lowering cholesterol will lead to […]

Consuming Sugar Unwittingly

Are you eating loads of sugar without knowing it? If you are not buying everything fresh and cooking from scratch, it’s likely. Look at a few ways you might be sugar-coating yourself unawares. First off, over 80% of goods you buy – probably closer to 90% – have added sugar (or worse – artificial sweeteners) […]