Things you need to know about female hair loss
I’m repeating a post here as a result of a slew of questions on female hair loss – I hope you find it helpful. There are many reasons women lose hair – these are some of the most common reasons: Lack of animal protein in the diet. (vegans and vegetarians need to ensure their iron, […]
How To Take Collagen & Gelatine
This post is long overdue … I know this because I get the same question asked of me every day. With the new interest in collagen and the dramatic testimonies coming from even just a very short time of using my Pure Hydrolysed Collagen or Gelatine, I’ll tell you how to take it. Collagen is […]
Hair Loss Prevention Strategy

Is your hair thinning or falling out? Not funny is it. Especially when you thought the LCHF lifestyle would be the answer to all your ills. There’s no magic bullet, we know that – but perhaps try these strategies to see whether it helps. It will take time, but remember hair does go into a […]