My Experience with Collagen

I’ve been taking my own brand of Pure Hydrolysed Collagen in coffee now for around 9 months and have found the following benefits:

  • My hair is much thicker, and grows much faster (my hairdresser is ecstatic…) plus there is a lot of new growth
  • My nails are so strong after having really paper-thin nails all my life, I can hardly believe it
  • My floaters (in the eyes, especially right eye) are gone – the right eye was really getting bad, and I am thrilled there is just one teeny one left instead of an army of them)
  • Cellulite – gone!
  • No more back pain or neck pain (I have had many riding accidents and others over the years with the result I’ve had pain for 30 years – it is all gone – I can hardly believe it – my physio now thinks I’m avoiding him…)
  • Better digestion
  • Deeper sleep
  • Better mood (my husband is delighted!)
  • Much much more energy.
  • Better lung function (I was a chronic asthmatic).
  • No more sinus problems! I have been a chronic sinus sufferer too for decades and now breathe easily
  • Much smoother skin and visible reduction in wrinkles (stifled ‘yay’)
  • My hands are amazingly smooth now. I had wrinkled hands from the sun but they are SO smooth now and look much younger. It’s dreadful having wrinkled hands!
  • No more dry skin at all anywhere
  • No hair loss or split ends – and much shinier hair with miles more volume

You can get my Pure Hydrolysed Collagen by going to the online store – take 2 tablespoons a day in coffee the way I do, and I hope you enjoy the same results.



You can simply click on the name of each product mentioned above (in bold) and a hyperlink will take you directly to the product for an easy purchase.

Originally published on on 17 December 2017.

Instagram: @SallyAnn_Creed

Facebook: @SallyAnnCreedSA