Does your hair need some help?

Try this Collagen Hair Mask!

Apart from the amazing difference collagen makes over time to the thickness and lustre of your hair from the inside out. Here’s a way to give it that little extra boost using a Collagen Hair Mask. The shaft of your hair is porous, and will be able to absorb hydrolysed collagen, so give it a whirl, especially if you have colour-treated hair.
Collagen strengthens the hair from the inside out as we know, but it also fortifies the entire shaft by forming a protective shield around each strand of hair, reducing breakage and protecting it from sun, heat and the environment when applied externally.
Apply just once a month for nourished hair and scalp. Your hair will be soft and shiny!

Here’s what you need for the Collagen Hair Mask:

Here’s what you do with it:

  • Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until thoroughly blended.
  • Apply to your entire head of hair, massaging into the scalp and applying it all the way down to the ends of the hair
  • Leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Shampoo and rinse well. Repeat shampoo, if necessary.


Apply only once a month ONLY – and use our Pure Hydrolysed Collagen – don’t use any other kind of collagen, it may not work.
Please let us know your results!!